Hello, I'm a div 4 European roamer looking for an American mentor (pref. IM+ but I'm not really that sure how divs work over there).
But anyway my team is trying to replicate american strats by not being complete vaginas all the time and I'd like to improve my aggressive play.
So if anyone's interested add me on steam here http://steamcommunity.com/id/GregTF2/
Hello, I'm a div 4 European roamer looking for an American mentor (pref. IM+ but I'm not really that sure how divs work over there).
But anyway my team is trying to replicate american strats by not being complete vaginas all the time and I'd like to improve my aggressive play.
So if anyone's interested add me on steam here http://steamcommunity.com/id/GregTF2/
Canadians are most certainly not excluded
Canadians are most certainly not excluded
Sure, I can help. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989989636
nt daniel http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/3839/
are gunboats even allowed there? it's a much different world with/without them
are gunboats even allowed there? it's a much different world with/without them
2care gunboats even allowed there? it's a much different world with/without them
It has been since the last season.
[quote=2c]are gunboats even allowed there? it's a much different world with/without them[/quote]
It has been since the last season.