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Roamer LFT (Shredder)
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ESEA-O (mid-open)
UGC Silver/Plat (because I'm poor)

I'm free almost all afternoons, because I get back from work at 5:30 and am ready to play by 6:00. Weekends are no problem either.

I'm Shredder. I help run NA 6v6 Newbie Mixes with Noona and co. You may know me from there. I stream occasionally (but not all the time). I'm in school, but nearly done! :)

Competitive Experience
I haven't played on any competitive teams in the past, mostly due to scheduling issues with school and homework. However, it's summer, so there should be no issue. Everyone has to start somewhere - I can begin this season!
Even so, I'm not completely new to competitive TF2, with about a year plus of miscellaneous mixes and pugs. I've been described as "highly competent - not mind-blowing, but quality." I'm happy to scrim/practice/tryout/whatever. Add me if you want to talk.

Willing to Backup


ESEA-O (mid-open)
UGC Silver/Plat (because I'm poor)

I'm free almost all afternoons, because I get back from work at 5:30 and am ready to play by 6:00. Weekends are no problem either.

I'm Shredder. I help run NA 6v6 Newbie Mixes with Noona and co. You may know me from there. I stream occasionally (but not all the time). I'm in school, but nearly done! :)

[b]Competitive Experience[/b]
I haven't played on any competitive teams in the past, mostly due to scheduling issues with school and homework. However, it's summer, so there should be no issue. Everyone has to start somewhere - I can begin this season!
Even so, I'm not completely new to competitive TF2, with about a year plus of miscellaneous mixes and pugs. I've been described as "highly competent - not mind-blowing, but quality." I'm happy to scrim/practice/tryout/whatever. Add [url=steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035701259/]me[/url] if you want to talk.

[b]Willing to Backup[/b]
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