If you'd like a place on IRC to set up highlander scrims, stop by and idle at #tf2scrim.hl
The channel is now linked on irc.geeksirc.net and irc.gamesurge.net
here's a steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2scrimhl
If you'd like a place on IRC to set up highlander scrims, stop by and idle at #tf2scrim.hl
The channel is now linked on irc.geeksirc.net and irc.gamesurge.net
here's a steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2scrimhl
Hey that's pretty cool - this is a great service to provide.
You make it a lot easier on a lot of team captains!
If you already use GeeksIRC for mixes, pugs, etc you can just /join #tf2scrim.hl to have everything in one window :)
kKaltUuWhere are the gameservers hosted?
The goal of the channel is to coordinate scrims between teams who already have a server ready to go. If you have a team but don't have a server, then you could probably ask for a scrim against a team who has a server. Otherwise, you could ask in the channel to borrow a server, and you might be able to get one.