Meh, not that big of a fan.
How to make a House song:
first layer- basic kick and drum, ambient background foreshadowing
add second layer- more drums, introduce bass
add third layer- build up
queue drop into ambience, vocals come in, gradually introduce bigger build up
drop into generic house sounding bullshit
add another drop with repetitive drums and whatever nonsense
drop again into ambience with buildup
repeat everything for a few hours and you have the perfect house mix.
sorry, I just really dislike house, like a lot
first layer- basic kick and drum, ambient background foreshadowing
add second layer- more drums, introduce bass
add third layer- build up
queue drop into ambience, vocals come in, gradually introduce bigger build up
drop into generic house sounding bullshit
add another drop with repetitive drums and whatever nonsense
drop again into ambience with buildup
repeat everything for a few hours and you have the perfect house mix.
sorry, I just really dislike house, like a lot
I personally wouldn't like, d/l this song or listen to it a lot, but as a song itself is nice and happy tune.
Was okay, but not my style too much.
Not too bad, but it wasn't something I would put in my playlist.
There's also this...I like these guys.
BTW above diggin' the song :o
There's also this...I like these guys.
BTW above diggin' the song :o
Heavy metal or stuff close to it has never really interested me, so I didn't really like it.
something id probably expect to hear in a frag video at around 3:05, not my type of genre doe
really old so quality isn't the greatest, i suggest at least listening to biggies verse at the end
really old so quality isn't the greatest, i suggest at least listening to biggies verse at the end
not my genre either
also, holy fps lag
also, holy fps lag
The instrumental bits were nice. Over-all a ok song, but I'm not really a big fan of electro noise without lyrics
nostalgic. not even a "nineties kid" but i still remember this being in so many early 2000 movies/tv shows. didn't even know who made it. this is awesome.
Nice track alder, got some nujabes vibes. I always dig piano with rap.
not bad I like it
not bad I like it
Pretty good, I'm into older rap recently anyways
I've been watching Cowboy Bebop so I'm regaining an appreciation for the Jazz and Blues I grew up on
I've been watching Cowboy Bebop so I'm regaining an appreciation for the Jazz and Blues I grew up on
I can kick back with a drink and chill to that song above. Sounds like summer.
i enjoy it, pretty good singer, and i like the flutes.
i enjoy it, pretty good singer, and i like the flutes.
Good wordplay.
pretty fuckin shit
Aurorapretty fuckin shit[/quote]
... why?
vile... why?
it's not awful, but i really don't like that snare sound
... why?[/quote]
it's not awful, but i [u]really[/u] don't like that snare sound
Reminded me of Fang Island but toned down and much more progressive. I liked it.
I like it (especially the drums). Singer's voice is kind of annoying though.
flatlineI like it (especially the drums). Singer's voice is kind of annoying though.
Good song, fan of TDCC.[/quote]
Good song, fan of TDCC.
not really, the mix of sounds didnt work for me
one of the nicest piano samples i've heard since ny state of mind. really enjoyed it, i'll look into the album its from.
It was pretty interesting, I've never heard anything like it. Reminded me of heavy metal mixed with hip hop. Seemed to be lacking a bit in the melody department though.
Feels like the perfect song for the credits to that one "bad but too fun to not love movie". Production is nice, the vocals are a bit poppy for me, though I like the RnB influence and it's got an iconic style overall.