Updatatatatate! Stuff is changed, and itemmodelpanel hopefully works. It has this weird [unknown] glitch though, anyone know how to fix it?
I also doublechecked the customization stuff. There shouldn't be any of my custom crap anymore. HOPEFULLY. :|
If you look in spydisguise, you will see a whole bunch of stuff I put in. "Visible" modifier 0/1 see/don't see. You will have to edit the text. It's something I am working on to tell the names of people, because at times, as Spy you don't know who you've backstabbed, and the killfeed certainly doesn't say who it is.
I implemented Garm3nHUD killfreeze cam stuff in the killfreezecam. Now it doesn't resemble EVE so doggone much.
Stat summary has been changed; it now looks dull for 4-9, fonts are fixed and bronze-silver-gold coloring for 1-3.
The name of my HUD comes from a ttypo.