Doubt any teams are looking for roamer mains this close to both cevo/esea starting but figure I'll try.
I say I play roamer at a high open level but I don't mind if your team is a lower level team just as long as you like the idea of improving and don't like the idea of dying mid season. I like doing whatever your team needs me to do in terms of demo reviews/map reviews/whatever else there is. I can scrim almost any day of the week but prefer the sun-thurs 9-11 scrim/match schedule.
ESEA-O S14: Fashion Police - Starting roamer
ESEA-O S15: LARGE gamers - backup soldier/scout (played 2 matches as pocket)
rip seal_2012.jpg
Doubt any teams are looking for roamer mains this close to both cevo/esea starting but figure I'll try.
I say I play roamer at a high open level but I don't mind if your team is a lower level team just as long as you like the idea of improving and don't like the idea of dying mid season. I like doing whatever your team needs me to do in terms of demo reviews/map reviews/whatever else there is. I can scrim almost any day of the week but prefer the sun-thurs 9-11 scrim/match schedule.
ESEA-O S14: Fashion Police - Starting roamer
ESEA-O S15: LARGE gamers - backup soldier/scout (played 2 matches as pocket)
[size=10]rip seal_2012.jpg[/size]
Edy is pretty good at video games. He also really likes some rap group called Godzilla I think.
Edy is pretty good at video games. He also really likes some rap group called Godzilla I think.