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Last Posted June 15, 2021 at 8:03 PM
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#13 Weird correlation... in TF2 General Discussion


But did b4nny spy check for sigafoo himself behind his car? Yeah b4nny no one will be able to hear you because sigafoo has been building a level 3 sentry this whole time just waiting to strike!

posted about 3 years ago
#59 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion

guess he got way over his head in trying to force 6s into his project when this was a player who really only played highlander. I'm not saying he is or was a bad player infact he was great at engineer but I feel like u should've been in invite or high IM or somethin to try to manage 6s for a separate website. If anything he'd naturally interact with more 6s mains + he'd care about the state of it more because he'd play it too ya know?

I don't think as an admin and site owner I'd wanna get into a situation where on my own 6s team on my own website I need to forfeit the teams prize pool because I had player issues. Oops I wrote it in the rules that way silly me! ofc not he'd fix all of this shit if he was a 6s player

illyawhy did we let highlander players control the 6s scene
posted about 3 years ago
#57 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
trippargl definitely has problems but considering how petty all the NATF2L people act in these threads i doubt they would be perfect admins and run a perfect league like they claim

ya honestly a lot of the problems listed here seem very fixable some1 just has to get sigafoo or whoever over there to care. Look I ain't played comp tf2 in awhile so I'm kind of an outsider here but rgl doesn't provide servers, they give priority to highlander players for the whole ringer situation, no one plays this game for the prize pool it's played because it's fun and no other games rly exist like tf2 anymore. So why care about a prize pool right? I don't think that was ever the reason any one of us started playing comp 6s/highlander. Why pay right?

At least esea provided servers and had Tri as the admin and I don't care if he was only 1 of 2 admins or whatever that guy cared. Wasn't solidsnake an admin at one point too or am I thinking of...boomer? Hell long time ago anyway but these dudes gave a damn.

It sounds like rgl has volunteers already so maybe it's up to them to go to sigafoo about this?

Then the other side of the coin is you all had chances to find another website or provider for this kinda thing so if we just stayed with that this thread wouldn't exist. But not enough wanted to change to something else. It's like 20 scouts and soldiers queuing up for a pug but it never starts all damn night bc no one wanted to take the real initiative of going medic. So now ur left with either an ok medic but certainly not an invite level one. The picking process was rushed and the pug ended up being mediocre.

I'm kinda thinking about maybe joining a team maybe not but if I gotta pay $5 for a dead game that became even more dead for a useless prizepool and no real support then eh maybe I'll just mge again or someshit. Seriously I'd rather donate the dev team of rgl some money rather than be forced to follow all of the rules they put into place.

alfaWe lost all of our prize money for ringing 2 players in playoffs for 1 match where we had a banned player and the other one's internet was out for the week.

I mean come on alfa is an og player don't do this to him sigafoo


posted about 3 years ago
#54 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
zx37Incidentally, I heard the same stuff when CEVO failed, that it was the players fault for not signing up, as if it's not the league's job to promote itself and incentivize signups—things CEVO ended up doing terribly or not at all.

Such a long time ago when the community tried cevo haha. Thing is players actually did sign up for it because I think we were hopeful it could replace ESEA. The website had a nice simple layout and CEVO ofc has the natural branding behind it same as esea so we did try it. I think ur right the company itself just couldn't sell it over esea, and plus didn't cevo merge with esea anyway or am I wrong there?

I think we just liked ESEA too much and now it's too late? I think it's fine if sigafoo or whoever manages the rgl site to stay with prolander and highlander if that's their thing, so we got that sorted great.

Now who's gonna make the next website and convince people to go there instead? lol

This game has some of the most talented and dedicated individuals time and time again. I remember back when technosex was testing his sizzling stats page and so he invited me and some other friends to test it out sometimes. He made the website good because he put his heart into it I mean I was addicted to looking at my useless stats simply for the reason it looked better than whatever that other stat page was, looked more clean. But this way back when tf2 esea had a main division, that's how big tf2 was back then so the motivation was there for ppl like him. Game kinda died off though which is a shame. If this was 2014-2016 u guys would make a new site in like a week and boom done but we ain't there anymore :(

maybe invite more admins to help sigafoo out? Maybe bring along a coder guy to make the layout better on his site? I do agree that the layout isn't very good but it isn't terribly unusable either. Not many options here u know

posted about 3 years ago
#52 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
scrambledIs there a reason that NA teams don't just sign up to UGC 6s? Like you can just treat the officials as scrims or not show up, but best case you get a free replacement league, am I missing something there?

There was always (imo) an elitism against using UGC for NA if you wanted to showoff your stuff. Back in the good old days when teams were a plenty literally everywhere the strat was to play ugc 6s for either fun & to find out if you wanted to actually get into this thing, practice before getting into esea etc. The top 3-4 plat teams were usually good enough to be in high open-IM sometimes in terms of skill level so unless they wanna earn 15 keys for first place in ugc (lol) they get competitive and move onto esea.

ESEA had you pay so u already had to be serious about playing this game on a set schedule practicing etc. Big deal for the young gamers out there who kinda don't have $10 to their name sometimes. Their own servers which was kinda cool I guess, everyone being tagged up, idk it was neat. Living up to the old legends of tf2 that were once the best but either quit for (usually) life reasons. New players and old wanted to live up to that, old players wanted to one day beat team b4nny. Get ur legacy as getting first place in season X of ESEA to finally beat the b4nny right there on the esea website, a website that we all know isn't going down so that's history right there. This was all back in 2011-2017ish though and it's kinda sad to see where 6s is now. Why not use UGC right? Not like it was ever a bad website for simple stuff like setting matches on record.

This game has kinda turned into the competitive scene of insurgency 1 at least when it was "popular". Like 6-8 teams that'd play each other 24/7. No problem with that I still consider tf2 a top 3 game in terms of fps games. While tf2 isn't that bad population wise I honestly don't see a reason for a league to charge money for anything anymore. Just make a website with brackets and ask for donations to keep the ppl working behind it motivated + have a prize pool. $5 though isn't bad for 1 ringer back in esea u had to pay for premium + the fees which was idk man $15 already? somethin like that?

I believe the kinda stigma towards ugc has stayed is what im gettin at. Just make new divs in ugc above plat for the better players and maybe you boys got yourself a winner. Long history there I suppose.

Honestly only reason I'd come back to tf2 is because it is simply one of the best fps games I've ever played. The half life engine did this game wonders you know? But would I pay for a league when the glory of tf2 has gone away? idk man. Seems like u guys pay and still all these problems exist so there u go

posted about 3 years ago
#5886 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

thank you <3

posted about 3 years ago
#5884 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
edit: removed custom crosshair, hitsound + killsound

Thanks for this it's the exact kind of hud I was looking for to just play some tf2 pubs again.

I have a question for you though or anyone else here but is there anyway to get rid of this contract crap on my screen? Either in the hud files themselves or somewhere in the settings in-game? I sorta quit the game around the time valve put that into tf2 so I dunno


posted about 3 years ago
#7 ugc highlander question (pls no flame) in TF2 General Discussion

Damn rip UGC. Guess my ugc medals will be a relic so 10 years down the road I can sell my account for a subway sandwich or something. Thanks for the quick responses.

I really do find it really ironic how sig wanted to only use his rgl site for 7v7, only for highlander to take over lmao.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 ugc highlander question (pls no flame) in TF2 General Discussion

The hell is going on with the highlander scene at least on ugc? The current 27th season only has two US divs, main NA, and 1 team in NA silver, then there's a bunch of new teams that I guess are waiting for the next season? Am I missing something? Are we using a different place for HL now?

I'm not a highlander player, but I was thinking about making some poopy steel team with one of my friends for fun next season, but at the state its at now I don't see the point.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 roamer/scout backup lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
exile-hurricane watch <3


posted about 6 years ago
#3 roamer/scout backup lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 6 years ago
#42 being genuine in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#131 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion

haha what? You wanna know how many hours you need to put into a game like dota 2 to even be slightly kinda good at the game? I put nearly 3k hours into dota and I'm still shit, it's estimated that you need to put over 10k hours alone into the game just to be a pro, yet you're saying how hard it must be just to get 1.5k hours to be mid open in tf2 wtf? The same exact reasoning can apply to any game unless you came from another one with the necessary skills to bypass the grinding and already be good at it.

The solution to ur problem here is pretty simple, if u can figure out how to turn back time to 2013/2014 then you'll have your mid open players playing with other mid open players simply because the game had more players back then. You had 2-3 pugs happening at the same time daily on pugna with the same amount on tf2mix, then all of the games on tf2lobby or whatever, not to mention the dozens of public pug groups and private ones. The competitive version of tf2 hit its absolute apex in the number of players and teams around that time, and it has only been declining ever since. ur not looking at this from a bigger picture my friend.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 lock map vetoing 1 week before a match in TF2 General Discussion

tri please look at this thread

posted about 6 years ago
#212 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

phr with team AGO made it to the quarterfinals in starseries season 5 with a $300k prizepool. He's also facing North so there's a good chance his team could make it even further.

posted about 6 years ago
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