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Signed Up December 1, 2012
Last Posted June 15, 2021 at 8:03 PM
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#31 esea s28 team spreadsheet in TF2 General Discussion

ty for naming me edyspaghetti on the spreadsheet <3

posted about 6 years ago
#1 stream request in Requests

Name: edy
Country: Russia
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/edybud
ESEA: https://play.esea.net/users/501625?tab=history


posted about 6 years ago
#1 lock map vetoing 1 week before a match in TF2 General Discussion

48 hours before you find out what map you gotta play is pretty silly. There's loads of teams that play matches on sunday for example, but don't scrim fri/sat so they can only play 1 scrim on the actual map before the match.

God bless

posted about 6 years ago
#44 PSA: Give cardinal a chance in TF2 General Discussion

I don't understand why we're even trying to add yet another 5cp map to the pool. The last seasons map pool was pretty much perfect, yet b4nny wants to add another 5cp map for some reason. Basically all I'm saying is #bringbackgpit or make a new koth map for the love of god.

We have these perfect 5cp maps like snake, gully, process, metalworks, badlands (if your team isnt awful), i love granary fuck the haters, i hate sunshine but even I understand that it's a good map, so why the FUCK are we getting another 5cp into these already playtested and known maps? ADD ANOTHER KOTH OR A/D MAP!

posted about 6 years ago
#9 turbine dm in TF2 General Discussion
FuxxHow can you defend such a garbage, constrained, visually dead and unoriginal map? It's the cp_orange of Valve/comp maps.

The mid is pretty much perfect for basic dm fights idk what you mean, yet you're gonna go ahead and defend such great dm maps like granary and badlands right? Hell even warmfront or fright are better maps than gran or badlands for dm.

posted about 6 years ago
#104 Demo LFT high open team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Funny thread. He obviously doesn't care about bettering himself, so let him stay in natasha heavy mge to not lose his elo because that's the only thing he'll have in a community of like 1k players. Waiting for the thread s29 where he tries to make a team and doesn't get out of mid open lol

posted about 6 years ago
#80 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
AntimoonPyyyour posted 3 months ago, platinum posts today, harb played a pug recently, and seagull streamed a source game not too long ago. Mix^ s28 confirmed?

In all seriousness though, @Platinum (if you're still reading this), what would it take for you to actually return to tf2?

No esea lans, barely any competition at highest levels of play lets be honest with ourselves, new players they need to learn & prob play with. Why would they ever comeback until Valve make a tf3 with a focus on esports? You already got tf2 players making 6 figures playing OW and being successful in other games (most I can recall from old guard is nukkye now playing on a decent csgo team if we don't wanna mention the old tf2 players now playing ow), why would they especially come back lmao.

Just be happy one of the tf2 gods just posted in this thread and be happy for where they all went.

posted about 6 years ago
#25 lft sub in Recruitment (looking for team)

Please someone pickup cat for an IM team already. Nutty DM, funny guy, big weeb, how isn't he in invite already?

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_yightif anything hes slightly underrated
Maybe, I just see lots of people say blaze is the best roamer ever and I am not sure if thats right.

Coming from a roamer main like myself I've watched a lot of Blaze's povs and what he does is be very consistent, all the time. He'll easily get 30+ frags a game but you probably won't remember most of them. It's hard to really say if he's the best roamer or not because you have almost the complete opposite playstyle of roamers, such as seagull, that would go nuts and just outright carry games and go for crazy plays. It really depends if you think a rock solid roamer that'll always do his job and not feed is better than the one that may lose your team an advantage sometimes by feeding but might also makeup for it by being insane.

Edit: you know if any racing nerds are reading my post a good comparison is Colin Mcrae compared to someone like Sebastien Loeb in rally racing. Mcrae would go into every single rally 100% giving all he has into it, but sometimes he'd end up crashing his car so he couldn't complete an event. Loeb on the other hand drives carefully and is a lot more passive, so while he may not be the "best" rally driver, since he's so consistent and keeps his car alive in rally events he is one of the best in his own category and goes far into events because obviously he isn't crashing his car getting himself dq'd from events.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 How do I play this gamer sober? in TF2 General Discussion

Bro mecha I don't know you personally and I never make posts like this, but if you're drinking every time you play video games (and I know you've been trying out for teams or whatever, drinking while playing any game is kinda hard my guy) then you might have a serious problem. Like especially if you're drinking hard alcohol that stuffs only worth doing if you're gonna mess around in pubs with friends or something. Posting about this on a video game forum isn't gonna help your cause. I've been down your road believe me, so if you wanna talk about it hmu otherwise my guy the only advice I can give you is to be careful. Try to just quit playing video games, idk try to do something in real life to distract you from not drinking because as post #2 said you may or may not be an alcoholic if you're doing it EVERY single time you play tf2. It could be as simple as you wanting to have some fun so maybe find some video game buds you wanna fuck around in dota with or whatever other games you play, I mean you said you wanted tips so there it all is.

Sorry to be toxic if this is but I'm just saying it how it is my guy, stay safe.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 I wish to play the game. in Recruitment (looking for team)

a cool player

posted about 6 years ago
#51 How many languages can you speak? in Off Topic

English being basically my native tongue, then Russian being secondary (I can understand Russian conversations but speaking to others in just Russian is a challenge), and lastly some Polish

posted about 6 years ago
#11 LFP Open in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 6 years ago
#15 phobia lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

phobia is so chill & cool please try him out

posted about 6 years ago
#10 ESEA S28 Map Vote and Other Stuff in TF2 General Discussion

Are there any gameplay vids of cp_kalinka_rc2? I've seen some streams here and there of the other maps besides that one.

posted about 6 years ago
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