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Signed Up December 1, 2012
Last Posted June 15, 2021 at 8:03 PM
Posts 330 (0.1 per day)
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#107 in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#106 who was the best player at pointless gamemodes? in TF2 General Discussion


biskuit is the #1 ranked tf2 speedrunner on the planet

posted about 8 years ago
#16 cool amazon stuff thread in Off Topic


surprised no one posted this gem yet

posted about 8 years ago
#35 what will you guys do if tf2 never makes it big in TF2 General Discussion

I don't care if the game becomes big, which it never will unless valve make a tf3 with competitive in mind just like how OW came to have an esport scene. The problem for me is that you can't play 6v6 tf2 unless you play on a team. In pugs you can get fat kidded plus they take awhile to start sometimes (or they never start because we're a very small community), while lobbies were always bad unless you're new to the game, and mm is a failure. The big appeal to games like ow, csgo, league, dota, whatever else that is an actual esport is that you can play ranked mm/esea/cevo/faceit/whatever else anytime any day of the week whenever you want to play it. That's what killed my drive to keep playing. I don't want to be limited to playing a game for just scrims and matches for only 5 days a week and maybe pugs after. Some people are into grinding mge/dm/jump/surf/pugs while waiting for those scrims & matches but I only want to play 6s tf2, so why should I keep playing tf2 when I can play dota or csgo whenever I feel like playing those games?

I still like backing up for tf2 teams from time to time but that's about it. I might play a season of tf2 every summer when I don't have college to worry about otherwise I don't have a reason to put as much time as I use to into it.

rocketslayhonestly if froyo and the good invite teams switched to overwatch i wouldn't mind

http://wiki.teamliquid.net/overwatch/Splyce, http://wiki.teamliquid.net/overwatch/NRG_eSports

posted about 8 years ago
#13 roamer lft high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

bumping bc I want to backup this season updated op

posted about 8 years ago
#85 lfp demo high open in Recruitment (looking for players)
-leeedyI played with rain last season and as long as he fixes his personal issues this team will definitely make Season 24 IM, so if you're a demo main who wants to lose all of there games in IM if there is somehow an IM next season I suggest joining this team.damn dude I'm fixing hella posts today!!!

I mean the skill level in tf2 has dropped massively over the seasons idk what you're talking about. As long as you're semi ok at tf2 (and if your team doesn't die) you'll make high open, and you'll definitely win games in IM. Also I'm surprised IM survived this season, so I'm sure there will be one next season after so many people moved onto ow.

posted about 8 years ago
#82 lfp demo high open in Recruitment (looking for players)

I have another chance to post this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0AlytWWDmI

I played with rain last season and as long as he fixes his personal issues this team will definitely make IM, so if you're a demo main who wants to make IM I suggest joining this team.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 drama :) in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#4 averted LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

One of the most interesting people I've been on a team with and on top of that he's good at demo. If you want a demo that can frag and isn't a retard then averted might be your guy.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 The_savior LFT IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very dedicated to being good at tf2. I won't be surprised if he ends up in invite one day, so pick him up while you still can.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 phobia lft s23 in Recruitment (looking for team)

really cool dude give him a HIGH open team!!!!

posted about 8 years ago
#333 PugChamp in Projects
flatlineplease remove product and reckoner from the rotation

product requires a level of coordination not usually seen in pugs to work
reckoner is just bad

also why are we using the new ready-up system when it breaks p-rec and damage stats?

and remove atlanta servers please

I think product is fine just because in most pugs people aren't complete idiots and have the dm to back up playing on that map. Most of the product pugs I've played have actually been fun or at least have been close games. With that said, I don't think reckoner should be in the pool just because its not in an offical rotation. It may be an offical rotation in etf2l but if people don't actually play it in ugc/esea (for NA) I don't see why it's in the map pool in the first place. I remember circa getting picked as demo for a reckoner pug today and he asked something along the lines of "if someone shows me how to rollout I'll play this map". That shouldn't be an actual thing people ask when playing on an offical pug website who are atleast playing at an open level.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Lost Respect For RobTheAwsm. in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#24 Flow State, a first person skating game I'm making in Off Topic

I really enjoy how free and fast the movement seems to look. I use to be a big fan of skating games back in my ps2 and some of my ps3 days but I don't go out playing them anymore. If this had controller support and you keep that free flowing movement (really reminds me of movement from quake live) I'd be willing to try it out.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Car rental deals?! in Off Topic

I work at a car rental place and you probably won't find a SUV or a van for less than $120-130 a day after the huge amount of taxes car rentals recieve. Unless you have memberships to something like costco, AAA, or whatever else is out there you may be out of luck. But just as a tip, always make the revervation online since having people at a car rental place make the reservation for you will result in a higher price. The mileage should also be unlimited if you're returning the car back to the place you picked it up from, but just to be 100% sure when you make a reservation online, give the place you're picking up the car from a call and ask them to look up your reservation and actually see if it's unlimited. There have been a few customers that had to pay mileage fees (.25 per mile, first 100 are free) on minivans specifcally when booking through hotwire or priceline and they had no idea that was going on so watch out for that.

You also don't need to take the insurance car rentals offer you, and some credit cards (pretty sure discover) have their own insurance that you can use with rentals. In most cases if you get into an accident your insurance company will give you a deductible and you're kind of responsible for paying the damages of the car. If the damages cost $5000 for example, you/your insurance will need to pay that plus whatever the thing is called that they charge you for that car being out of service (in a garage just sitting not being rented). Where I work insurance will cost $30 a day for an SUV, but I've seen some places that only charge $5 a day for full coverage so it depends.

dollarlayerI don't know of any specific deals necessarily, but I'd just do a google search for coupon codes or cashback offers for specific car rentals. You shouldn't be paying more than $40/day for a basic car IMO.

Only way to get discount codes is if you previously rented from a car rental place and you let them send promotional emails to your email, otherwise you won't find anything unless you seriously get lucky. And yes, $40 per day for a basic car (we're talking compact, maybe something like a ford focus), can run you $40 per day on a weekend rate.

But it really depends what state you're renting the car from and what actual car rental place it is, so I could be wrong. You might be able to get SUVs/Vans for just $100 a day but take it from me, I highly highly doubt you'll be able to find that. $150 per day for a car of that size isn't terrible.

posted about 8 years ago
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