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posted in Customization
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We know that, it's just that the old font had some... Magic to it.

I'm just going to say, that I've been using this hud since you posted your version on reddit exactly a year ago or so and loved it ever since. bw version came along made by pwny who tried to keep yahud alive after you haven't been updating it, but since you are back, i gladly switched (sorry pwny!) And even since then it's becoming more widely used. You are doing gods work, keeping that hud up to date.

We know that, it's just that the old font had some... Magic to it.

I'm just going to say, that I've been using this hud since you posted your version on reddit exactly a year ago or so and loved it ever since. bw version came along made by pwny who tried to keep yahud alive after you haven't been updating it, but since you are back, i gladly switched (sorry pwny!) And even since then it's becoming more widely used. You are doing gods work, keeping that hud up to date.
1 Frags +


The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.

The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.
2 Frags +
The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.

They both have the exact same offset (1 xpos, 1 ypos) and same "tall" values, there's a limit to how precise you can position things in TF2 and sometimes TF2 does math in weird ways.
I added 1 point to the "tall" value of the current clip to compensate, but I can't do much more than that.

The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.[/quote]
They both have the exact same offset (1 xpos, 1 ypos) and same "tall" values, there's a limit to how precise you can position things in TF2 and sometimes TF2 does math in weird ways.
I added 1 point to the "tall" value of the current clip to compensate, but I can't do much more than that.
0 Frags +
The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.
They both have the exact same offset (1 xpos, 1 ypos) and same "tall" values, there's a limit to how precise you can position things in TF2 and sometimes TF2 does math in weird ways.
I added 1 point to the "tall" value of the current clip to compensate, but I can't do much more than that.

edit: I'm dumb

The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.[/quote]
They both have the exact same offset (1 xpos, 1 ypos) and same "tall" values, there's a limit to how precise you can position things in TF2 and sometimes TF2 does math in weird ways.
I added 1 point to the "tall" value of the current clip to compensate, but I can't do much more than that.[/quote]

edit: I'm dumb
0 Frags +

Any idea how to move the last damage done indicator from the upper right corner of the health? I'm using the old targetid layout and it sometimes does cover those numbers.

Any idea how to move the last damage done indicator from the upper right corner of the health? I'm using the old targetid layout and it sometimes does cover those numbers.
0 Frags +
jakeowatyAny idea how to move the last damage done indicator from the upper right corner of the health? I'm using the old targetid layout and it sometimes does cover those numbers.

In huddamageaccount.res, edit DamageAccountValue's x,y,wide and tall pos values

[quote=jakeowaty]Any idea how to move the last damage done indicator from the upper right corner of the health? I'm using the old targetid layout and it sometimes does cover those numbers.[/quote]

In huddamageaccount.res, edit DamageAccountValue's x,y,wide and tall pos values
1 Frags +
Chrom3w0lfIn huddamageaccount.res, edit DamageAccountValue's x,y,wide and tall pos values

Thanks a lot for the tip, man, I adjusted the damage so it doesn't cover up the possible stored crit counter and doesn't overlap with TargetID's!



If anyone is interested, here are the values:


[quote=Chrom3w0lf]In huddamageaccount.res, edit DamageAccountValue's x,y,wide and tall pos values[/quote]

Thanks a lot for the tip, man, I adjusted the damage so it doesn't cover up the possible stored crit counter and doesn't overlap with TargetID's!


If anyone is interested, here are the values:

0 Frags +

When I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?

When I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?
0 Frags +
TaKoCheeseWhen I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?

install the fonts

[quote=TaKoCheese]When I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?[/quote]
install the fonts
0 Frags +
Chrom3w0lfTaKoCheeseWhen I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?install the fonts

I'm an idiot. So I install the fonts from where to where?

[quote=Chrom3w0lf][quote=TaKoCheese]When I try to use the garm3n crosshairs, my crosshair is just whatever the labeltext is. How do I fix that?[/quote]
install the fonts[/quote]
I'm an idiot. So I install the fonts from where to where?
0 Frags +
Chrom3w0lfI'm an idiot. So I install the fonts from where to where?

Click the xhair font and then when the window pops up, install.

I'm an idiot. So I install the fonts from where to where?[/quote]

Click the xhair font and then when the window pops up, install.
-1 Frags +


0 Frags +

I just want the pipboy update (as i don't want to retweak everything i changed), whereabouts is it located? ty

I just want the pipboy update (as i don't want to retweak everything i changed), whereabouts is it located? ty
0 Frags +

did i break something while installing cx or is the targetID when healing missing by default?

edit: nvm, i've definitely broken something.

[s]did i break something while installing cx or is the targetID when healing missing by default?[/s]

edit: nvm, i've definitely broken something.
1 Frags +
NickI just want the pipboy update (as i don't want to retweak everything i changed), whereabouts is it located? ty

Located in /resource/ui and then build and destroy menus. It will probably not work since I've changed font and color definitions in the new version.

RRPdid i break something while installing cx or is the targetID when healing missing by default?

Works fine for me.

[quote=Nick]I just want the pipboy update (as i don't want to retweak everything i changed), whereabouts is it located? ty[/quote]
Located in /resource/ui and then build and destroy menus. It will probably not work since I've changed font and color definitions in the new version.

[quote=RRP]did i break something while installing cx or is the targetID when healing missing by default?[/quote]
Works fine for me.
1 Frags +

Garm3nFont.ttf is missing (i.e. required for KonrWings crosshair).
I imported it from an older version though and it's working.

Other than that, it looks great for me, especially the new scoreboard and counters.

Garm3nFont.ttf is missing (i.e. required for KonrWings crosshair).
I imported it from an older version though and it's working.

Other than that, it looks great for me, especially the new scoreboard and counters.
-1 Frags +

honest feedback on the mx version which I have been using.

I don't like the formatting of the health/ammo with the shadow, on light backgrounds it very easily becomes hard to notice. This is one of the things I loved in the old original red version, HP and ammo were always easy to spot with the color boxes.

Also I don't like the damage numbers, too small, simple white, which makes it very easy to miss on light backgrounds, I can't really call damage half as good as I did with the old dmg numbers.

Will probably try some of the other versions or otherwise get back to the old yahud version I still have which also had the garm3n xhair and few other things I really preferred

honest feedback on the mx version which I have been using.

I don't like the formatting of the health/ammo with the shadow, on light backgrounds it very easily becomes hard to notice. This is one of the things I loved in the old original red version, HP and ammo were always easy to spot with the color boxes.

Also I don't like the damage numbers, too small, simple white, which makes it very easy to miss on light backgrounds, I can't really call damage half as good as I did with the old dmg numbers.

Will probably try some of the other versions or otherwise get back to the old yahud version I still have which also had the garm3n xhair and few other things I really preferred
0 Frags +
Kanecohonest feedback on the mx version which I have been using.

Will probably try some of the other versions or otherwise get back to the old yahud version I still have which also had the garm3n xhair and few other things I really preferred

told you it's the font. ;)

I personally almost completely changed the whole color scheme in the clientscheme file.
Low health is orange.
Buffed health is bright blue.
Uber flashes between orange and blue to fit the rest.
Damage text is yellow.

I think what whayay did with outlines was smart, but I still think a varied color palette should be there by default, I can't imagine having everything constantly pure white.

[quote=Kaneco]honest feedback on the mx version which I have been using.

Will probably try some of the other versions or otherwise get back to the old yahud version I still have which also had the garm3n xhair and few other things I really preferred[/quote]

told you it's the font. ;)

I personally almost completely changed the whole color scheme in the clientscheme file.
Low health is orange.
Buffed health is bright blue.
Uber flashes between orange and blue to fit the rest.
Damage text is yellow.

I think what whayay did with outlines was smart, but I still think a varied color palette should be there by default, I can't imagine having everything constantly pure white.
0 Frags +

Everything looks clipped in smaller resolutions. Please support?
Btw I'm using mx version on 1280x720

Everything looks clipped in smaller resolutions. Please support?
Btw I'm using mx version on 1280x720
5 Frags +

I think the scoreboard doesn't show how many people are in a team

I think the scoreboard doesn't show how many people are in a team
0 Frags +

How do I change around the Damage Numbers? As in, color, outline, length of time they are shown on screen, etc.?

How do I change around the Damage Numbers? As in, color, outline, length of time they are shown on screen, etc.?
0 Frags +
RynoHow do I change around the Damage Numbers? As in, color, outline, length of time they are shown on screen, etc.?


[quote=Ryno]How do I change around the Damage Numbers? As in, color, outline, length of time they are shown on screen, etc.?[/quote]

-1 Frags +
I think what whayay did with outlines was smart, but I still think a varied color palette should be there by default, I can't imagine having everything constantly pure white.

Its just what OMP did with his HUD, the first to feature this font. Smart was the fact that he (OMP) used a bold/black version of futura to the dmg numbers and they are readable

I think [b]what whayay did with outlines was smart[/b], but I still think a varied color palette should be there by default, I can't imagine having everything constantly pure white.[/quote]

Its just what OMP did with his HUD, the first to feature this font. Smart was the fact that he (OMP) used a bold/black version of futura to the dmg numbers and they are readable
-3 Frags +

There is a few things that I would fix about the MX, so I'll make a list of things that could be done with it. (I know you are swamped with work, so whenever you can or ask someone capable of doing so, because I literally can't do shit, I can just list things.)

- Optional scoreboards - 12v12 and 9v9 in place of 16v16.
- Numbers of players not showing on the scoreboard (how many in each team)
- last damage done numbers not clipping with the regular layout of TargetID, as I posted in here: Pastebin
- better colorscheme. IMO current one looks... really white. Different colours help a lot in playing Medic, both for low and buffed teammates, damage done, low ammo and uber. I made my own ClientScheme file, and here's (more or less) how it looks (damage numbers are pure yellow).



There is a few things that I would fix about the [b]MX[/b], so I'll make a list of things that could be done with it. (I know you are swamped with work, so whenever you can or ask someone capable of doing so, because I literally can't do shit, I can just list things.)

- Optional scoreboards - 12v12 and 9v9 in place of 16v16.
- Numbers of players not showing on the scoreboard (how many in each team)
- last damage done numbers not clipping with the regular layout of TargetID, as I posted in here: [url=http://pastebin.com/Eak3vXzU]Pastebin[/url]
- better colorscheme. IMO current one looks... really white. Different colours help a lot in playing Medic, both for low and buffed teammates, damage done, low ammo and uber. I made my own ClientScheme file, and here's (more or less) how it looks (damage numbers are pure yellow).


3 Frags +
whayayTaking the HUD down for an indefinite amount of time, mostly for legal reasons (since I was technically re-distributing fonts, almost no regular font license allows this) and I was getting cold feet. I am doing it now before I receive any donations, since it wouldn't be fair to a donor.

I am working on different custom fonts and might continue with that. Otherwise I might continue working on the crosshair font (easier to use than fog's since the individual crosshairs don't need to be re-centered).

More info soon-ish.


[quote=whayay]Taking the HUD down for an indefinite amount of time, mostly for legal reasons (since I was technically re-distributing fonts, almost no regular font license allows this) and I was getting cold feet. I am doing it [i]now[/i] before I receive any donations, since it wouldn't be fair to a donor.

I am working on different custom fonts and might continue with that. Otherwise I might continue working on the crosshair font (easier to use than fog's since the individual crosshairs don't need to be re-centered).

More info soon-ish.[/quote]

0 Frags +

ya_hud v.20 :P

ya_hud v.20 :P
5 Frags +
whayayTaking the HUD down for an indefinite amount of time, mostly for legal reasons (since I was technically re-distributing fonts, almost no regular font license allows this) and I was getting cold feet. I am doing it now before I receive any donations, since it wouldn't be fair to a donor.

I am working on different custom fonts and might continue with that. Otherwise I might continue working on the crosshair font (easier to use than fog's since the individual crosshairs don't need to be re-centered).

More info soon-ish.

rip yahud

[quote=whayay]Taking the HUD down for an indefinite amount of time, mostly for legal reasons (since I was technically re-distributing fonts, almost no regular font license allows this) and I was getting cold feet. I am doing it [i]now[/i] before I receive any donations, since it wouldn't be fair to a donor.

I am working on different custom fonts and might continue with that. Otherwise I might continue working on the crosshair font (easier to use than fog's since the individual crosshairs don't need to be re-centered).

More info soon-ish.[/quote]

rip yahud
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5 Frags +

Again srsly? This HUD is like a hot chick, almost always unreachable and whayay is the bf

Again srsly? This HUD is like a hot chick, almost always unreachable and whayay is the bf
3 Frags +

You can keep using it in it's current state... ;-;

If anyone wants the latest MX edit of yahud, I can upload it. :)

You can keep using it in it's current state... ;-;

If anyone wants the latest MX edit of yahud, I can upload it. :)
1 ⋅⋅ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ⋅⋅ 34
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