the jealousy in sezco's eyes is almost palpable.
Jealousy, anticipation and pleasure wrapped into one expression.
I enjoyed watching tagg put on his serious photographer face and get into position for those tough but necessary shots.
damn Tagg that looks super professional o____o (now I'm kinda nervous about the pictures you took of tipsy/baked me lol)
I had a good time at this LAN, so thanks for everyone that helped put it together. My only complaints would be to turn down that loud ass music when you have a shitty soundcard/headphone setup and MORE LAN GAMES. Bob and I started one when we got there two hours late because none were up, but then we just ended up joining in the internet game that most people were on. 30 ping at a LAN is just too much. I need those single digits.
Sorry for delaying the 6's tourney, but I was wandering the streets of Chicago.
Sorry for delaying the 6's tourney, but I was wandering the streets of Chicago.