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Defn Lft open
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Another Scout LFT post I'm going to put up, I'm going to be 100% honest in this one. I haven't played on a long term 6s team before (all my previous teams have died before the season even started). My dm is low to mid open. I'm open to criticism and I don't give up easily, I'm not very well known as I don't pug a lot but I'm in dm servers very often. Steam profile- http://steamcommunity.com/id/defnisabitch.
I'm available to scrim everyday from 8:00 to 11:00.
I want a team that is devoted and scrims a lot, and I want to be on a team that doesn't die preseason.

Another Scout LFT post I'm going to put up, I'm going to be 100% honest in this one. I haven't played on a long term 6s team before (all my previous teams have died before the season even started). My dm is low to mid open. I'm open to criticism and I don't give up easily, I'm not very well known as I don't pug a lot but I'm in dm servers very often. Steam profile- http://steamcommunity.com/id/defnisabitch.
I'm available to scrim everyday from 8:00 to 11:00.
I want a team that is devoted and scrims a lot, and I want to be on a team that doesn't die preseason.
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Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.

Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.
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ScilliantMight want to narrow down which class you want to play.[/qu
I thought I did. But It's in the post itself
[quote=Scilliant]Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.[/qu
I thought I did. But It's in the post itself
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I forgot to mention people say I'm a nice person

I forgot to mention people say I'm a nice person
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bump he is a nice guy

bump he is a nice guy
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only played with him a couple of times but seems very dedicated and was pleasant in mumble. Would fit in on any mid open team to start.

only played with him a couple of times but seems very dedicated and was pleasant in mumble. Would fit in on any mid open team to start.
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Thanks Kuza

Thanks Kuza
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