Another Scout LFT post I'm going to put up, I'm going to be 100% honest in this one. I haven't played on a long term 6s team before (all my previous teams have died before the season even started). My dm is low to mid open. I'm open to criticism and I don't give up easily, I'm not very well known as I don't pug a lot but I'm in dm servers very often. Steam profile-
I'm available to scrim everyday from 8:00 to 11:00.
I want a team that is devoted and scrims a lot, and I want to be on a team that doesn't die preseason.
Defn Lft open
posted in
Recruitment (looking for team)
Another Scout LFT post I'm going to put up, I'm going to be 100% honest in this one. I haven't played on a long term 6s team before (all my previous teams have died before the season even started). My dm is low to mid open. I'm open to criticism and I don't give up easily, I'm not very well known as I don't pug a lot but I'm in dm servers very often. Steam profile-
I'm available to scrim everyday from 8:00 to 11:00.
I want a team that is devoted and scrims a lot, and I want to be on a team that doesn't die preseason.
I'm available to scrim everyday from 8:00 to 11:00.
I want a team that is devoted and scrims a lot, and I want to be on a team that doesn't die preseason.
Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.
Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.
ScilliantMight want to narrow down which class you want to play.[/qu
I thought I did. But It's in the post itself
[quote=Scilliant]Might want to narrow down which class you want to play.[/qu
I thought I did. But It's in the post itself
I thought I did. But It's in the post itself
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