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posted in Customization
3 Frags +
flatlineyes i am updating it right now please stop messaging me

God speed brother

[quote=flatline]yes i am updating it right now please stop messaging me[/quote]
God speed brother
1 Frags +

Thank god <3

Thank god <3
1 Frags +

we all wuv you Flatline ;)

we all [b]wuv[/b] you Flatline ;)
2 Frags +

i have most of main menu fixed, scoreboard fixed, working on trying to figure out the contracts popup

note, this is going to be a hotfix, NOT an update. I have to wait for item servers to get back up before I can start messing with the contracts stuff properly.

i have most of main menu fixed, scoreboard fixed, working on trying to figure out the contracts popup

note, this is going to be a hotfix, NOT an update. I have to wait for item servers to get back up before I can start messing with the contracts stuff properly.
0 Frags +
flatlinei have most of main menu fixed, scoreboard fixed, working on trying to figure out the contracts popup

note, this is going to be a hotfix, NOT an update. I have to wait for item servers to get back up before I can start messing with the contracts stuff properly.

You're the man.

[quote=flatline]i have most of main menu fixed, scoreboard fixed, working on trying to figure out the contracts popup

note, this is going to be a hotfix, NOT an update. I have to wait for item servers to get back up before I can start messing with the contracts stuff properly.[/quote]
You're the man.
5 Frags +



Also, it looks like the backpack borders are stuck like what they are right now, valve added new images and changed how they work so that's more or less what we've got.



Also, it looks like the backpack borders are stuck like what they are right now, valve added new images and changed how they work so that's more or less what we've got.
5 Frags +

Hotfix is on github.

I was pretty rushed, so excuse me if I missed something.

Hotfix is on github.

I was pretty rushed, so excuse me if I missed something.
2 Frags +

...which of course i did. Released another hotfix, fixing the images in the weapon selection screen (thanks dave).

...which of course i did. Released another hotfix, fixing the images in the weapon selection screen (thanks dave).
0 Frags +

Found some bugs from today's update, dunno if you fixed them yet but w/e.

1. the gun mettle promo in the main menu is shifted to the left compared to your screenshot^ (using 16:10)
2. stats in the scoreboard are green (kills, assists, etc.)

Found some bugs from today's update, dunno if you fixed them yet but w/e.

1. the gun mettle promo in the main menu is shifted to the left compared to your screenshot^ (using 16:10)
2. stats in the scoreboard are green (kills, assists, etc.)
2 Frags +

1. already using c-vals, probably a mac issue or smth
2. dynamic not fixable yell at valve

1. already using c-vals, probably a mac issue or smth
2. dynamic not fixable yell at valve
2 Frags +

another hotfix released, fixes the inspect panels and redoes the contract panel. uploaded to github.

another hotfix released, fixes the inspect panels and redoes the contract panel. uploaded to github.
1 Frags +

HOTFIX PART 3: fixed item borders/bgs for custom weps (thanks turbo)

HOTFIX PART 3: fixed item borders/bgs for custom weps (thanks turbo)
0 Frags +

Uhm, did you leave out the Server Links folder out of the Customization folder in the the newest download?

Addition: the quality borders in my backpack are all gray?!

Another addition: the animated character in the bottom left who displays your character is not in sync with the weapon switching, it has a delay.

Uhm, did you leave out the [b]Server Links folder[/b] out of the [b]Customization folder[/b] in the the newest download?

Addition: the quality borders in my backpack are all gray?!

Another addition: the animated character in the bottom left who displays your character is not in sync with the weapon switching, it has a delay.
0 Frags +

Thanks for the hotfixes. After updating the hud in the latest update, it seems the scoreboard is smaller now? I didn't customize it with the smaller scoreboard addon.

Or maybe it is just me...

Thanks for the hotfixes. After updating the hud in the latest update, it seems the scoreboard is smaller now? I didn't customize it with the smaller scoreboard addon.

Or maybe it is just me...
0 Frags +

The scoreboard looks smaller to me too, can't really see anyone's full name. Also the campaign coins next to peoples names on the scoreboard are broken, they flicker and change size.

The scoreboard looks smaller to me too, can't really see anyone's full name. Also the campaign coins next to peoples names on the scoreboard are broken, they flicker and change size.
0 Frags +

I think he accidentally added the minmode scoreboard files to the main hud files. Classic flatline.

I'm also getting an issue with my contracts where selecting ones that say "inactive" just show a box that just says:


Does it mean anything? I can't fulfill any of my tasks even though I know I'm fulfilling the requirement.
edit: TC also happening with default hud, disregard

I think he accidentally added the minmode scoreboard files to the main hud files. Classic flatline.

[s]I'm also getting an issue with my contracts where selecting ones that say "inactive" just show a box that just says:


Does it mean anything? I can't fulfill any of my tasks even though I know I'm fulfilling the requirement.[/s]
edit: TC also happening with default hud, disregard
0 Frags +

Yeah, that's a classic. Should be fixed now.

Yeah, that's a classic. Should be fixed now.
1 Frags +
404_name_not_foundUhm, did you leave out the Server Links folder out of the Customization folder in the the newest download?

Addition: the quality borders in my backpack are all gray?!

Another addition: the animated character in the bottom left who displays your character is not in sync with the weapon switching, it has a delay.

Yes, read the patch notes. I got rid of it because I didn't like it and it was annoying to re-do every change I made to the main menu to that file. I'll be including a favorite server button in the next update.

Valve made new materials for those, we can't really do anything about it.

AFAIK that's a bug with default as well. CONFIRMED bug with default, wait for valve patch

[quote=404_name_not_found]Uhm, did you leave out the [b]Server Links folder[/b] out of the [b]Customization folder[/b] in the the newest download?

Addition: the quality borders in my backpack are all gray?!

Another addition: the animated character in the bottom left who displays your character is not in sync with the weapon switching, it has a delay.[/quote]

Yes, read the patch notes. I got rid of it because I didn't like it and it was annoying to re-do every change I made to the main menu to that file. I'll be including a favorite server button in the next update.

Valve made new materials for those, we can't really do anything about it.

AFAIK that's a bug with default as well. [b]CONFIRMED bug with default, wait for valve patch[/b]
0 Frags +

Inspecting a player doesn't show the item by the way. It's invisible.
Thanks for fixing the scoreboard. When I view the scoreboard, it seems some numbers are now in green color?

Inspecting a player doesn't show the item by the way. It's invisible.
Thanks for fixing the scoreboard. When I view the scoreboard, it seems some numbers are now in green color?
0 Frags +

Seconding on the invisible items. Additionally, the position of the inspect panels seem to be off in certain situations, it doesn't seem stay in one place all the time (unless I'm going crazy).

SpadowInspecting a player doesn't show the item by the way. It's invisible.
Thanks for fixing the scoreboard. When I view the scoreboard, it seems some numbers are now in green color?
flatline2. dynamic not fixable yell at valve

edit: Definitely not going crazy on the inspect panels. When spectating/waiting for respawn, the panel is fine. When inspecting teammates (while alive), the panel is shifted to the left slightly. In the deathcam, the panel is on the left side of the screen. Items are invisible regardless of scenario (I can see the loading icon, but no image).

Seconding on the invisible items. Additionally, the position of the inspect panels seem to be off in certain situations, it doesn't seem stay in one place all the time (unless I'm going crazy).

[quote=Spadow]Inspecting a player doesn't show the item by the way. It's invisible.
Thanks for fixing the scoreboard. When I view the scoreboard, it seems some numbers are now in green color?[/quote]

2. dynamic not fixable yell at valve[/quote]

edit: Definitely not going crazy on the inspect panels. When spectating/waiting for respawn, the panel is fine. When inspecting teammates (while alive), the panel is shifted to the left slightly. In the deathcam, the panel is on the left side of the screen. Items are invisible regardless of scenario (I can see the loading icon, but no image).
1 Frags +

Inspecting works fine for me, but I do see the panel placement differences. The loading icon thing sounds like an item server problem and not a hud one.

The inspect panel is now fixed, but the spectator ones are locked in place and the freezepanel one might extend over the HP. It's just how they work now.

Inspecting works fine for me, but I do see the panel placement differences. The loading icon thing sounds like an item server problem and not a hud one.

The inspect panel is now fixed, but the spectator ones are locked in place and the freezepanel one might extend over the HP. It's just how they work now.
0 Frags +

The only items I could see when I inspected were the Gun Mettle items and they appeared very large for me. I have fixed it so that you should be able to see all of the items and they should all be the same size now. Here is a Dropbox link to the fixed files.

Also, if you notice the player models look a little low res or aliased when choosing a class, it is because you need to add "render_texture" "0" under the "TFPlayerModel" field located in the ClassSelection.res file.


One more thing. The reason you cannot currently see the health bars above players when spectating is because this has not been added in Spectator.res and SpectatorTournament.res:

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"spectator_extras"
		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"0"
		"wide"			"f0"
		"tall"			"480"
		"autoResize"	"0"
		"pinCorner"		"0"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
The only items I could see when I inspected were the Gun Mettle items and they appeared very large for me. I have fixed it so that you should be able to see all of the items and they should all be the same size now. [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/86z6ub8jsnxskph/Item%2520Panel%2520Fix.zip?dl=0]Here[/url] is a Dropbox link to the fixed files.

Also, if you notice the player models look a little low res or aliased when choosing a class, it is because you need to add "render_texture" "0" under the "TFPlayerModel" field located in the ClassSelection.res file.


One more thing. The reason you cannot currently see the health bars above players when spectating is because this has not been added in Spectator.res and SpectatorTournament.res:
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "spectator_extras"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "480"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
0 Frags +

Just noticed I'm getting this error in the console:

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file resource/UI/MainMenuOveride.res
(*resource/UI/MainMenuOverride.res*), (*icon_generator*), (*model*), (*angles_z*), (*CyclingAd*), (*items*), (*6*),
Just noticed I'm getting this error in the console:

[quote]KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file resource/UI/MainMenuOveride.res
(*resource/UI/MainMenuOverride.res*), (*icon_generator*), (*model*), (*angles_z*), (*CyclingAd*), (*items*), (*6*),[/quote]
2 Frags +

Version 2.7 Released!

-Fully updated for Gun Mettle
-Changed icons/styles of News, Alerts, and Contracts buttons
-Added tooltips for aforementioned buttons
-Added "favorite server" button in lieu of server links customization
-Removed labels from Item Meters and shortened them



New main menu

Thanks for using flatHUD!


[b]Version 2.7 Released![/b]

-Fully updated for Gun Mettle
-Changed icons/styles of News, Alerts, and Contracts buttons
-Added tooltips for aforementioned buttons
-Added "favorite server" button in lieu of server links customization
-Removed labels from Item Meters and shortened them


New main menu

Thanks for using flatHUD!

0 Frags +

this looks really good, how do i replace all the bubbles backgrounds with the default ones?

this looks really good, how do i replace all the bubbles backgrounds with the default ones?
1 Frags +

go into flathud/materials/console and delete the files inside.

go into flathud/materials/console and delete the files inside.
0 Frags +
flatlinego into flathud/materials/console and delete the files inside.

thanks, much appreciated

[quote=flatline]go into flathud/materials/console and delete the files inside.[/quote]

thanks, much appreciated
0 Frags +

New buttons are overlapping my menu buttons, rip console.

btw weapons in inspect panels are still invisible for me, except this time the first two (per person) are fine but the rest are invisible. Additionally, the sizes vary widely each time I inspect.

New buttons are overlapping my menu buttons, rip console.

btw weapons in inspect panels are still invisible for me, except this time the first two (per person) are fine but the rest are invisible. Additionally, the sizes vary widely each time I inspect.
-2 Frags +
VictorNew buttons are overlapping my menu buttons, rip console.

btw weapons in inspect panels are still invisible for me, except this time the first two (per person) are fine but the rest are invisible. Additionally, the sizes vary widely each time I inspect.

The size variation is how they work now, and I don't know why the weapons don't show up, they work fine for me. Probably something with OS.

[quote=Victor]New buttons are overlapping my menu buttons, rip console.

btw weapons in inspect panels are still invisible for me, except this time the first two (per person) are fine but the rest are invisible. Additionally, the sizes vary widely each time I inspect.[/quote]
The size variation is how they work now, and I don't know why the weapons don't show up, they work fine for me. Probably something with OS.
1 Frags +

Sorry if I'm being a bit picky here but could you please fix the little gap in the bottom left of the timer
And also the teammate health thing being in the centre please

Sorry if I'm being a bit picky here but could you please fix the little gap in the bottom left of the timer
And also the teammate health thing being in the centre please
1 ⋅⋅ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ⋅⋅ 30
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