On the off chance that this is not a bug, we've put together a petition.
On the off chance that this is not a bug, we've put together a petition.
If its intentional I doubt we can get them to fix it right away anyway. And if its a bugged we don't need the petition. Idk man I don't feel like it's that useful.
The only thing I dislike about the rocket change is that you can't speedshot off of fall damage anymore
THEBILLDOZERbut i like the new rocket jumping
ya it is p nice for new players
They ruined rocket jumping. Its so fucking easy now its stupid.
GliderThey ruined rocket jumping. Its so fucking easy now its stupid.
Market gardening at close range is near impossible because you're shot a thousand feet farther than you should've been shot. This mechanic of no damage falloff w/ rocket jumping is unnatural and takes away a lot of precision. "S" tapping is unreliable, especially for new players. I haven't tried a lobby with this yet, but I believe that people would feel similarly about bombing in certain situations.
GliderThey ruined rocket jumping. Its so fucking easy now its stupid.
Thats not what matters. Making something more accessible and simple to learn is a good thing. Taking away mechanics thoroughly developed and evolutionized by a community or changing these developed mechanics to the point of 'breakage' is the real sin valve committed here.
Sorry, I have been busy with classes, so I'm out of the loop. How has rocket jumping changed?
It's pretty clearly a bug related to the Battalion's Backup issue.
did it ruin the demo process rollout as well or am i just bad?
gargleburrydid it ruin the demo process rollout as well or am i just bad?
I heard someone complaining about many demo rollouts now being undoable.