hello could you please this hud, the owner stopped updating in early june 2014.
HUD- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dg3t3unv05bqq0l/AAC8roR7efy2UnkNT2sZrCKYa?dl=0
The name of the hud is evanshud , thanks in advance!
hello could you please this hud, the owner stopped updating in early june 2014.
HUD- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dg3t3unv05bqq0l/AAC8roR7efy2UnkNT2sZrCKYa?dl=0
The name of the hud is evanshud , thanks in advance!
https://github.com/eggnormous/eggHUD eggHUD maybe?
Any chance of updating Grape's Default HUD?
parallaxismm0rehud ples
look at here http://teamfortress.tv/thread/15348/m0rehud-mvm-the-project
Astrin_ompHUD please!
Last updated on 2013-12-30
last updated 15-7-2015 actually.
there's this issue on grapehud (and some other huds)
I'm almost certain this has to do the inspect label but I might be wrong.
You think you could update the quakehud for tough break >?