Apparently there's going to be another TF2 at Insomnia 58 next year, though I can't find any information on it.
Is this true?
Also, what ticket would I need to buy to be able to watch the LAN?
Apparently there's going to be another TF2 at Insomnia 58 next year, though I can't find any information on it.
Is this true?
Also, what ticket would I need to buy to be able to watch the LAN?
There's 3 insomnias a year, the tf2 tournament is much more prevalent in the summer series (every 3). So everything points in that direction but it's still very early to say. Specially with matchmaking around the corner we don't know what that is gonna change for us.
Also afaik you need the byoc ticket to watch the tf2 tourney, at least this year u needed it.
its been like a week since i55, its not weird if there isnt much of a discussion on it.
They've already unofficially confirmed TF2 at i58. This year you could get into the BYOC area with a weekend or day ticket, you just needed a BYOC ticket holder with you when you checked in and you got a guest wristband.
KanecoThere's 3 insomnias a year, the tf2 tournament is much more prevalent in the summer series (every 3). So everything points in that direction but it's still very early to say. Specially with matchmaking around the corner we don't know what that is gonna change for us.
Also afaik you need the byoc ticket to watch the tf2 tourney, at least this year u needed it.
What was their reasoning to need a BYOC ticket?
matchmaking has the ability to change the game so drastically we don't know.
le side note:
Also i really hope matchmaking doesn't turn tftv into hltv, but if that's what it takes i'm up for it.
ulmyxxmatchmaking has the ability to change the game so drastically we don't know.
le side note:
Also i really hope matchmaking doesn't turn tftv into hltv, but if that's what it takes i'm up for it.
hltv is literally the same concept of tftv but it has a much bigger userbase.
big userbases just breed toxicity in general
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't TF2 the game with the highest viewer count at i55?
You are correct Pub, TFTV's stream had more concurrent viewers than insomnias own stream
Multiplay won't officially confirm anything until at least after the previous event so we will be waiting at least until after the Easter LAN in April 2016 for _official_ confirmation. Even then we could be waiting until closer to the event for further information.
That being said, we have strong support from the higher ups for another event next summer, in whatever form that may take. Much can change in year but we can be pretty sure if the community want to put together another transatlantic matchup at i58 we can make it happen. I am also pretty sure we will be getting more support than we did this last event such as actual stage time... or a actual stage, for one.
With the move to the NEC it will be interesting to see what space they can give us, there has been talk of dedicating another space just for TF2. Nymthae and I will be at the new venue this December and will be sure to check out the potential it has to offer.