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Been playing TF2 for about 2.5 years, and I think my skills have developed well. I have never played competitive before, so I'm looking for something good to get me started. Thanks :)

Been playing TF2 for about 2.5 years, and I think my skills have developed well. I have never played competitive before, so I'm looking for something good to get me started. Thanks :)
1 Frags +

Hello! This LFT Forums are geared towards more experienced players. If you're new to the competitive scene (and you really are,) check out playcomp.tf for your starting information and try to check out UGC forums for a team towards your skill level http://ugcforums.net

Hello! This LFT Forums are geared towards more experienced players. If you're new to the competitive scene (and you really are,) check out [url=playcomp.tf]playcomp.tf[/url] for your starting information and try to check out UGC forums for a team towards your skill level [url=ugcforums.net]http://ugcforums.net
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