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6s romer low open
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looking to improve. My dm is on and of i do good and i do bad. my frined haas been helping me get beter anad i have. played on a few hl teams in iorn steel and slivler. looking for 6s team to help me improve on everything. steam profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046803079/

looking to improve. My dm is on and of i do good and i do bad. my frined haas been helping me get beter anad i have. played on a few hl teams in iorn steel and slivler. looking for 6s team to help me improve on everything. steam profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046803079/
-1 Frags +

Chill guy, nice dm, and a strive to get better and improve with the help of others. Pick him up if you want someone who really can improve and take criticism :D

Chill guy, nice dm, and a strive to get better and improve with the help of others. Pick him up if you want someone who really can improve and take criticism :D
2 Frags +

epic username

epic username
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