Oh boy, time to get back to it. Hopefully the game lasts longer than a month though.
Only a teaser trailer. Gameplay trailer to be show June 12th for EA's E3 press conference.
inb4 tf2 is better than tf2
Oh boy, time to get back to it. Hopefully the game lasts longer than a month though.
Only a teaser trailer. Gameplay trailer to be show June 12th for EA's E3 press conference.
inb4 tf2 is better than tf2
Can't wait to play it for a month and then forget it existed
Feels like the first one was released not long ago.
Hopefully they don't pack all the language sound files in 1 game making it 50GBs again and have private servers/ranked mode on launch.
As long as they can fix the issue of the Titans being the least fun part of the game this could be alright I guess.
environment/technology design in the first game was some of the best ive seen, i cant wait to look at all the design sketches for this one for hours without ever playing the game
also mechs with swords yo
massive download, there wasn't much depth to the game, and it really wasn't that fun
like you'd expect titans to be dope and stuff but it really wasn't that impressive
People in the comment section are absolutely slamming it lmao
eeewhy did the first one fail?
It failed because apparently there "wasn't enough content". The biggest was the fact that the game had a small amount of weapon selection in each weapon category. I can't imagine what the other issues as far as this problem goes would be, but probably something along the lines of "not enough maps" and "not enough game modes", both of which I'd call BS on, but you never know what people feel like bitching about. As far as not enough weapons go, maybe I'm one of the few, but it didn't need more guns outside of maybe one or two more per weapon category. How many different weapons per category can you make without any of them being a worthless gimmick? The answer is not many. You can have an auto shotty that has a higher fire rate but less dmg per shot or a single shot that does more dmg per shot but a much less fire rate. You could have a semi auto AR, a burst fire or an auto, but then everything else in the AR category has pointless stat differences that give no ultimate reason to use them over the obvious choices.
Besides all of that, I can't see why the game would die as quickly as it did. The multiplayer was really fun and the challenges you could try to complete was well done, as well as the maps and the differentiating titans. Maybe it was because there were AI that served no real purpose other than free points, aside from the occasional, embarrassing death from an AI? I dunno. Maybe I'm just riding the game's nuts, but while some arguments for why it died so soon are somewhat objectively plausible, I don't see how any of them could kill a game that quickly. Who knows? It's also on Origin, which is for several reasons not preferable.
Oh, and the fact that they somehow managed to let their audio files go uncompressed, resulting in a huge download turned some people off, but that was fixed pretty short thereafter.
Didn't the first Tit and Fall come out like a year or two ago
pretty sure the pre-release marketing completely dwarfed the post-release marketing and for a fairly generic modern console FPS that spells instant death especially when theres always another game right around the corner
Honestly if smart pistol wasn't so dumb (same with how easy mechs are to use) the game would have been a blast. Still a great pub experience though.
it never went far competitively because me, REP, pure, technasty, and justin embarrassed everyone we played and made em ragequit the game.
playing with pure, tech and justin was a fun time. i don't think i played with you or rep but i'm sure it'd still have been great. if you guys pick up this one i'll be down to play again.