Hello people today after nameless finish they're pcws, unless he punks out I will be interviewing hafficool on my stream ( https://www.twitch.tv/maksthebro ) so give me some questions to ask from you the people! Also they can be about literally anything
How does a country with only 300k people have lots of good tf2 players. Yourself, ryder, django, condom and to some extend players like Mundi, plerfs and lucifer?
how does he feel about banny calling him a choker at lans
Trianglewhat time
after he finishes pcws so around 22cet
after he finishes pcws so around 22cet
MaksTrianglewhat timeafter he finishes pcws so around 22cet
thanks but that question was for haffi
after he finishes pcws so around 22cet[/quote]
thanks but that question was for haffi
how do i become the bestest scout in eu like stark ?
How does he see his chances at i58 ?
Who does he think is the best scout,soldier,demo and medic NA?
Who does he think is the best scout,soldier,demo and medic NA?
What anime did you have bookmarked here? http://puu.sh/oXJyq.jpg
Does the banter/haffi choke stuff ever get to you?
when should i use pipes and when should i use stickies???
How do you deal with the huge amount of unjustified criticism you get and how does it make you feel to be the best pocket Scout in eu atm?
Why are you not streaming more often?
I can answer zestys question.Back when reason was formed, kaidus asked me what scouts he could trial besides wltrs since he was a little bit out of the loop back then. I told him to get hafficool and I am sure he exceeded both mine and kaidos expectations
Why are you not streaming more often?
I can answer zestys question.Back when reason was formed, kaidus asked me what scouts he could trial besides wltrs since he was a little bit out of the loop back then. I told him to get hafficool and I am sure he exceeded both mine and kaidos expectations
Does perm shout at you enough?
Do you get sexual satisfaction from being bullied?
Why are you such a nob in rocket league?
Do you get sexual satisfaction from being bullied?
Why are you such a nob in rocket league?
When NA wins its 3rd consecutive I-Series at 58, who will be to blame?
Does the sound of your keyboard bring great relaxation and is it the key to your success as a top scout
Stop using blue switches if you're streaming
edit: (Could you)
edit: (Could you)