I've been playing tf2 for 4 years and i'm ready to take 6s seriously. I've only played silver 6s and HL last season however I've been practicing for the past couple months whether that be mge, dm, pugs, analyzing top players, also scrimmed briefly, and etc. I no longer play HL and I'm available every night. I feel that I've mastered the basics and can play on a playoff open team. As unlikely as it is i'll also take low IM tryouts. As a scout it's interesting to note that I value team play greatly as well as my own dm. I'll be open to your advice and ideas as I hope to have a strong debut this season.
tLAR is already at a high-open level despite having only recently started competitive. Ridiculously good scout that's only going to get better.
yes he hasn't played above silver 6s
yes he is, at the very least, a mid open scout.
tLAR is extremely dedicated, he has good dm, and he is cool. any open team looking to pick up a scout for the long haul should give him a shot. he has a lot of potential.
yes he is, at the very least, a mid open scout.
tLAR is extremely dedicated, he has good dm, and he is cool. any open team looking to pick up a scout for the long haul should give him a shot. he has a lot of potential.
tLAR is a reliable and consistent gamer, and despite having basically no experience at the start of the season he started out strong and improved throughout the season. He was an excellent addition to my UGC team last season and I'm sure he will continue to do well in open.
Also cool in mumble and overall a good guy
Pick him up fam
Also cool in mumble and overall a good guy
Pick him up fam
I've played against this guy a couple times, and he's a great scout! Definitely has excellent DM, and I always just assumed he was mid-open. Very surprised to hear that he's fairly new to competitive. Try him out for sure!
Nutty dm and a saxton hale GOD. He's playoff material and I can only see him getting better. GL tyler!
Only played with him in pugs but he good dm and gamesense for how little experience he has with comp. Worth a tryout for a mid to high open team