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Help w/ League Fees
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moved this thread from the wrong place

Can't pay for my league fees unfortunately, and no one on my team can. I have 4 keys I could trade to someone after the fact (they are still non-tradable from SCM) if they could help me out. I've paid my Premium fees using ESEA on Steam, so that would not be an issue. Add me and/or respond ITT if you could help. Thanks

moved this thread from the wrong place

Can't pay for my league fees unfortunately, and no one on my team can. I have 4 keys I could trade to someone after the fact (they are still non-tradable from SCM) if they could help me out. I've paid my Premium fees using ESEA on Steam, so that would not be an issue. Add me and/or respond ITT if you could help. Thanks
7 Frags +

this poor soul needs your charity

this poor soul needs your charity
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