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-1 Frags +

i wish i was a hollywood movie producer, so i could start making Scarface 2: Tony Montana goes back to Cuba

i wish i was a hollywood movie producer, so i could start making Scarface 2: Tony Montana goes back to Cuba
1 Frags +
ScrewballKonceptLess than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done. I could type for hours about the bad things the US has enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what your country has done.

I'm aware of what was done. Don't try and patronize me or make me look like I'm some dim witted idiot that slept through his high school and college history classes. Times were clearly different then. There were obviously some actions that I would agree with and disagree with that the US made, but when the Cubans had a saying that Castro was such a powerful man to the point of he couldn't catch a cold, the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world.

ScrewballKoncept Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.

Not going to respond to this since I'm not sure if you're being serious or just trolling

Less than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done.[/quote] I could type for hours about the bad things the US has enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what your country has done.[/quote]
I'm aware of what was done. Don't try and patronize me or make me look like I'm some dim witted idiot that slept through his high school and college history classes. Times were clearly different then. There were obviously some actions that I would agree with and disagree with that the US made, but when the Cubans had a saying that Castro was such a powerful man to the point of he couldn't catch a cold, the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world.
[quote=Screwball][quote=Koncept] Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.[/quote]
You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.[/quote]

Not going to respond to this since I'm not sure if you're being serious or just trolling
-3 Frags +

isn't it funny how commies call themselves atheists, but establish cults of personality of their dictators as divine beings?
The irony is amazing especially if you realise the term cult of personality came from angry santa himself:

The political use of the phrase came first in a letter from Karl Marx to German political worker, Wilhelm Blos, 10 November 1877:[1]

Neither of us cares a straw of popularity. Let me cite one proof of this: such was my aversion to the personality cult [orig. Personenkultus] that at the time of the International, when plagued by numerous moves [...] to accord me public honor, I never allowed one of these to enter the domain of publicity [...][1][2]

The terms "cult of personality" and "personality cult" were further popularized by Nikita Khrushchev's initially secret speech On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences given on the final day of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, February 25, 1956, which criticized the lionization of Josef Stalin and its contrariness to the originators of Marxist doctrine. Robert Service notes that a more accurate translation of the Russian "культ личности" ("kul't lichnosti") is the "cult of the individual".[3]

isn't it funny how commies call themselves atheists, but establish cults of personality of their dictators as divine beings?
The irony is amazing especially if you realise the term cult of personality came from angry santa himself:

The political use of the phrase came first in a letter from Karl Marx to German political worker, Wilhelm Blos, 10 November 1877:[1]

Neither of us cares a straw of popularity. Let me cite one proof of this: such was my aversion to the personality cult [orig. Personenkultus] that at the time of the International, when plagued by numerous moves [...] to accord me public honor, I never allowed one of these to enter the domain of publicity [...][1][2]

The terms "cult of personality" and "personality cult" were further popularized by Nikita Khrushchev's initially secret speech On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences given on the final day of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, February 25, 1956, which criticized the lionization of Josef Stalin and its contrariness to the originators of Marxist doctrine. Robert Service notes that a more accurate translation of the Russian "культ личности" ("kul't lichnosti") is the "cult of the individual".[3]
0 Frags +

u r actually retarded... Do u even read what u write? Scratch that, do u even have basic reading comprehension?

Methe second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.
u r actually retarded... Do u even read what u write? Scratch that, do u even have basic reading comprehension?
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and [b][u]I feel bad for you. [/b]
5 Frags +

rip this thread

rip this thread
-7 Frags +
Koncept the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world.

One of the highest HDI's in latin america, longest life expectancy in this hemisphere, and a GNI per capita similar to China all while having little access to international banking thanks to US sanctions that where voted against in the UN by everyone but the US and Israel?

[quote=Koncept] the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world.[/quote] One of the highest HDI's in latin america, longest life expectancy in this hemisphere, and a GNI per capita similar to China all while having little access to international banking thanks to US sanctions that where voted against in the UN by everyone but the US and Israel?
1 Frags +
Shiftarip this thread

I blame Vulcan

[quote=Shifta]rip this thread[/quote]
I blame Vulcan
1 Frags +

I'm probably in one of the best spots in life i've ever been and I still feel really sad all the time and I don't know why.

I'm probably in one of the best spots in life i've ever been and I still feel really sad all the time and I don't know why.
-8 Frags +

Wtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.

Wtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.
2 Frags +
ScrewballKoncept the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world. One of the highest HDI's in latin america, longest life expectancy in this hemisphere, and a GNI per capita similar to China all while having little access to international banking thanks to US sanctions that where voted against in the UN by everyone but the US and Israel?

Things have certainly improved since Obama went to meet with Raul Castro in 2015, but prior to that arguably the most modern car that you would see in the streets would be from the 60s at latest. Still I've ran some numbers and gotten some results

  • As far as HDI in Latin America, they're doing alright but they're still behind more established countries like Argentina, Panama, and Chile, which is to be expected but they could certainly be doing much better. All these numbers will be from 2015. Source
  • Your claim about Cuba having the longest life expectancy in this hemisphere (not sure if you meant Western or Northern) was incorrect as well. While they were basically tied with Costa Rica, trailing by .01 years, they still trailed Panama, and the US, Chile, and Canada depending on how you classify this hemisphere. Source
  • GNIs were a bit more ambiguous. Cuba was listed in a bracket that spans a large income range, so unless you have some numbers that I don't have then I can't comment on this category. Source

Regardless of all of that, overall Fidel Castro can be noted as okay (I guess) for Cuba economically. Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites. I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba. Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.

[quote=Screwball][quote=Koncept] the proof is there in his actions and where Cuba is in relation to the rest of the world.[/quote] One of the highest HDI's in latin america, longest life expectancy in this hemisphere, and a GNI per capita similar to China all while having little access to international banking thanks to US sanctions that where voted against in the UN by everyone but the US and Israel?[/quote]
Things have certainly improved since Obama went to meet with Raul Castro in 2015, but prior to that arguably the most modern car that you would see in the streets would be from the 60s at latest. Still I've ran some numbers and gotten some results
[*] As far as HDI in Latin America, they're doing alright but they're still behind more established countries like Argentina, Panama, and Chile, which is to be expected but they could certainly be doing much better. All these numbers will be from 2015. [url=http://www.hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI]Source
[/url][*] Your claim about Cuba having the longest life expectancy in this hemisphere (not sure if you meant Western or Northern) was incorrect as well. While they were basically tied with Costa Rica, trailing by .01 years, they still trailed Panama, and the US, Chile, and Canada depending on how you classify this hemisphere. [url=http://www.infoplease.com/world/statistics/life-expectancy-country.html]Source[/url]
[*] GNIs were a bit more ambiguous. Cuba was listed in a bracket that spans a large income range, so unless you have some numbers that I don't have then I can't comment on this category. [url=http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/GNIPC.pdf]Source[/url][/list]
Regardless of all of that, overall Fidel Castro can be noted as okay (I guess) for Cuba [u]economically[/u]. Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites. I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba. Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.
0 Frags +
VulcanWtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.

In academics you get the grades you work for. It's not like I wanted to get a 70 on an exam when I want to get 85+ so I'll have good grades. It's not like after I get my grade back I can schedule and appointment with my professor to debate with him/her about how despite me getting questions x, y, and z wrong according to the answer key, I should get full credit for it.

This is pointless and all you're doing is farming -frags even though you don't care abut them but still there's also a reason people don't like shitposting and shitposters

Also formatting is nice for posts on this website :)

[quote=Vulcan]Wtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.[/quote]
In academics you get the grades you work for. It's not like I wanted to get a 70 on an exam when I want to get 85+ so I'll have good grades. It's not like after I get my grade back I can schedule and appointment with my professor to debate with him/her about how despite me getting questions x, y, and z wrong according to the answer key, I should get full credit for it.

This is pointless and all you're doing is farming -frags even though you don't care abut them but still there's also a reason people don't like shitposting and shitposters

Also formatting is nice for posts on this website :)
-7 Frags +
Koncept Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites.

Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders.

I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba

It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context.

Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.

Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)

[quote=Koncept] Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites.[/quote] Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders.
[quote] I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba[/quote] It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context.
[quote] Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.[/quote]
Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)
5 Frags +
ScrewballKoncept Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites. Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders. I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context. Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)

Only addresses my conclusion while seemingly ignoring the facts AND can only come back with the "here's an insult because I have nothing else to say" line


Sounds like you've had too much time on the internet today :)

[quote=Screwball][quote=Koncept] Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites.[/quote] Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders.
[quote] I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba[/quote] It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context.
[quote] Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.[/quote]
Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)[/quote]
Only addresses my conclusion while seemingly ignoring the facts AND can only come back with the "here's an insult because I have nothing else to say" line
Sounds like you've had too much time on the internet today :)
0 Frags +
KonceptVulcanWtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.
In academics you get the grades you work for. It's not like I wanted to get a 70 on an exam when I want to get 85+ so I'll have good grades. It's not like after I get my grade back I can schedule and appointment with my professor to debate with him/her about how despite me getting questions x, y, and z wrong according to the answer key, I should get full credit for it.

This is pointless and all you're doing is farming -frags even though you don't care abut them but still there's also a reason people don't like shitposting and shitposters

Also formatting is nice for posts on this website :)

All that I said is that you should not be happy with an average grade, especially if you could do better, you should not be happy with mediocre grades and should be constantly striving for better

[quote=Koncept][quote=Vulcan]Wtz: the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

Vulcan: A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'll reword what I said since some people don't get it: you should not settle for a 3.0 if there was any way you could have gotten higher.[/quote]
In academics you get the grades you work for. It's not like I wanted to get a 70 on an exam when I want to get 85+ so I'll have good grades. It's not like after I get my grade back I can schedule and appointment with my professor to debate with him/her about how despite me getting questions x, y, and z wrong according to the answer key, I should get full credit for it.

This is pointless and all you're doing is farming -frags even though you don't care abut them but still there's also a reason people don't like shitposting and shitposters

Also formatting is nice for posts on this website :)[/quote]
All that I said is that you should not be happy with an average grade, especially if you could do better, you should not be happy with mediocre grades and should be constantly striving for better
6 Frags +

I hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.

I hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.
1 Frags +
BeelthazusI hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.


Isn't that every comment about culture by anyone? I swear not one in three remarks about cultural anything is done by anyone directly affected by said culture. That, or tumblrettes throwing a fit, but then again, they wouldn't be affected even if they're of that race, as they'd never leave mom's house.

[quote=Beelthazus]I hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.[/quote]
Isn't that every comment about culture by anyone? I swear not one in three remarks about cultural anything is done by anyone directly affected by said culture. That, or tumblrettes throwing a fit, but then again, they wouldn't be affected even if they're of that race, as they'd never leave mom's house.
2 Frags +
BeelthazusI hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.

what if they talk about it because the hardships they experience are a result of that culture? I mean, i can gloat all i want for having an uncut dick, while you have to live with a permanently scarred monster, as there is a funny correlation in the USA between the introduction of the internet becoming mainstream (1999-2001 ) (79%) and a significant drop in penis circumcisions only 5 years later (56%).

[quote=Beelthazus]I hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.[/quote]
what if they talk about it because the hardships they experience are a result of that culture? I mean, i can gloat all i want for having an uncut dick, while you have to live with a permanently scarred monster, as there is a funny correlation in the USA between the introduction of the internet becoming mainstream (1999-2001 ) (79%) and a significant drop in penis circumcisions only 5 years later (56%).
5 Frags +
ScrewballKoncept Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites. Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders. I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context. Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)

You're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.

[quote=Screwball][quote=Koncept] Socially, it was what can be expected out of a communist government. Suppression of the people and everything for the elites.[/quote] Castro was one of the lowest paid world leaders.
[quote] I'll still go back to my saying that I heard that the man couldn't catch a cold because of how much he was at the top in Cuba[/quote] It's a joke. "i heard" is not a legitimate source. Sounds like a joke taken out of context.
[quote] Still, I'm glad he's gone. I hope Cuba gets a fair election of who they want to lead them and hope that they don't ever have to deal with the crap that they've been dealing with (socially) for the past 60ish years.[/quote]
Make like Pinochet and get tossed out of a helicopter. :^)[/quote]

You're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.
10 Frags +

rip thread

rip thread
8 Frags +

My dad is fucking retarded and all he does is scream at me regardless of what I do b/c i constantly get distracted from shit i'm supposed to be doing even though eventually it does get done. He only ever seems to be happy when he spends money on my brother and I, even though putting himself in debt makes him angry beyond belief. I really badly wanna permanently move in with my mom b/c I'm 16 and New York state says i can make that decision but i don't know how to go about doing it (especially because my dad would still see me from dropping off and picking up my brother). Even my therapist agrees that I seem happier talking about my mom's house environment than my dad's.

What do i do :(

My dad is fucking retarded and all he does is scream at me regardless of what I do b/c i constantly get distracted from shit i'm supposed to be doing even though eventually it does get done. He only ever seems to be happy when he spends money on my brother and I, even though putting himself in debt makes him angry beyond belief. I really badly wanna permanently move in with my mom b/c I'm 16 and New York state says i can make that decision but i don't know how to go about doing it (especially because my dad would still see me from dropping off and picking up my brother). Even my therapist agrees that I seem happier talking about my mom's house environment than my dad's.

What do i do :(
-3 Frags +
FreshYou're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.

The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.

You're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.[/quote]
The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.
2 Frags +

why are neoliberals so complacent tbh (in general)

why are neoliberals so complacent tbh (in general)
1 Frags +
BeelthazusI hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.

tumblr in a nutshell

[quote=Beelthazus]I hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.[/quote]

tumblr in a nutshell
3 Frags +

Any post in this thread that mentions Overwatch in an even somewhat positive light gets downvoted to shit.

Any post in this thread that mentions Overwatch in an even somewhat positive light gets downvoted to shit.
-1 Frags +
ScrewballFreshYou're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.

I understand that you hate America because you say it regularly but this post makes no sense. First off, I don't dispute anything you said the US was doing at the time but you act as if Russia was an angel during the cold war and did nothing at all that could have been considered "an act of war". Wrong, do some research.

Secondly, nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Anything fired at the US would have been returned right back to Russia and we all would have been "bathed in a nuclear inferno".

You're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.[/quote]
The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.[/quote]

I understand that you hate America because you say it regularly but this post makes no sense. First off, I don't dispute anything you said the US was doing at the time but you act as if Russia was an angel during the cold war and did nothing at all that could have been considered "an act of war". Wrong, do some research.

Secondly, nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Anything fired at the US would have been returned right back to Russia and we all would have been "bathed in a nuclear inferno".
5 Frags +
ScrewballFreshYou're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the USSR put the missiles in Cuba? Also, wasn't Cuba a communist sympathizer at the time as well? In that case, placing missiles in a location where they can easily hit all major US cities sure sounds like an act of war to me. That would explain the blockade that was put on Cuba. You also seem to forget that the Red Scare was a thing at the time as well. Sure, 50 years later we can say it wasn't as big of an issue as it should have been, but at the time it was a big deal.

Also these "reckless" actions that you claim that the US was taking in this instance were entirely out of self-defense. The only other option that JFK had was to surrender. It wasn't a "temper tantrum" as you somehow have gotten yourself to believe, but the entirety of the Cold War can be more or less be summed up in either a staring match in which the USSR blinked first (kind of an oversimplified version but the idea is still there) or a macho man contest where both sides had to show off who was tougher. In the end it was a little bit of both, but it was still a major gamble on the US side, and we came away with still being the Alpha as history will tell.

I honestly don't want to debate this anymore but if you continue to state what can only be described as radical nonsense, I'll continue to debate and let you know that you're in the wrong.

You're acting like the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen, stop it.[/quote]
The US should have just accepted the missiles being there instead of throwing a temper tantrum that almost lead to nuclear war. The US was already doing exactly the same thing in Turkey and had already attempted to invade Cuba once. They had every right to put a nuclear deterrent there especially given the US's open aggression towards Cuba. The US's blockade of Cuba was a act of war by anny standards and the americans should count themselves lucky that they weren't bathed in a nuclear inferno due to their reckless actions.[/quote]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the USSR put the missiles in Cuba? Also, wasn't Cuba a communist sympathizer at the time as well? In that case, placing missiles in a location where they can easily hit all major US cities sure sounds like an act of war to me. That would explain the blockade that was put on Cuba. You also seem to forget that the Red Scare was a thing at the time as well. Sure, 50 years later we can say it wasn't as big of an issue as it should have been, but at the time it was a big deal.

Also these "reckless" actions that you claim that the US was taking in this instance were entirely out of self-defense. The only other option that JFK had was to surrender. It wasn't a "temper tantrum" as you somehow have gotten yourself to believe, but the entirety of the Cold War can be more or less be summed up in either a staring match in which the USSR blinked first (kind of an oversimplified version but the idea is still there) or a macho man contest where both sides had to show off who was tougher. In the end it was a little bit of both, but it was still a major gamble on the US side, and we came away with still being the Alpha as history will tell.

I honestly don't want to debate this anymore but if you continue to state what can only be described as radical nonsense, I'll continue to debate and let you know that you're in the wrong.
0 Frags +

nihilists win

nihilists win
-6 Frags +
SpaceCadetI understand that you hate America because you say it regularly but this post makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. Nuclear weapons were placed as a deterrent against a second invasion attempt and as a tit for tat response against US nukes in Turkey.

First off, I don't dispute anything you said the US was doing at the time but you act as if Russia was an angel during the cold war and did nothing at all that could have been considered "an act of war". Wrong, do some research.

Comparatively speaking they were as they generaly declined direct intervention compared to the US's direct invasions and attempts to prop up US and NATO backed despots against popular uprisings.

Secondly, nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Anything fired at the US would have been returned right back to Russia and we all would have been "bathed in a nuclear inferno".

A few of the major cities within range of NATO delivery systems including Moscow would have been lost but the US was not capable of MAD in 1962.

At the time the USSR's command and control structure could have survived a nuclear exchange. The US's could not. The US's non existent satellite reconnaissance capability allowed for abundant closed cities in the USSR. Also the population USSR is far more spread out while the population of the US is heavily concentrated on the coast. The USSR at the time also had far superior delivery systems. Nato had more weapons but was severely lacking in deliverability.

So avoiding a philosophical argument the USSR in 1962 was perfectly capable of taking on NATO and coming out with territorial gains and a surviving command and control infrastructure. It wasn't until the 1970s that the US was capable of M.A.D. Casualties however would make WW2 look like a minor border skirmish.

Not really arguing pro nuclear war here. I just think its a interesting bit of history.

I understand that you hate America because you say it regularly but this post makes no sense. [/quote] It makes perfect sense. Nuclear weapons were placed as a deterrent against a second invasion attempt and as a tit for tat response against US nukes in Turkey.

[quote] First off, I don't dispute anything you said the US was doing at the time but you act as if Russia was an angel during the cold war and did nothing at all that could have been considered "an act of war". Wrong, do some research.[/quote] Comparatively speaking they were as they generaly declined direct intervention compared to the US's direct invasions and attempts to prop up US and NATO backed despots against popular uprisings.

[quote] Secondly, nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Anything fired at the US would have been returned right back to Russia and we all would have been "bathed in a nuclear inferno".[/quote]
A few of the major cities within range of NATO delivery systems including Moscow would have been lost but the US was not capable of MAD in 1962.

At the time the USSR's command and control structure could have survived a nuclear exchange. The US's could not. The US's non existent satellite reconnaissance capability allowed for abundant closed cities in the USSR. Also the population USSR is far more spread out while the population of the US is heavily concentrated on the coast. The USSR at the time also had far superior delivery systems. Nato had more weapons but was severely lacking in deliverability.

So avoiding a philosophical argument the USSR in 1962 was perfectly capable of taking on NATO and coming out with territorial gains and a surviving command and control infrastructure. It wasn't until the 1970s that the US was capable of M.A.D. Casualties however would make WW2 look like a minor border skirmish.

Not really arguing pro nuclear war here. I just think its a interesting bit of history.
3 Frags +

i wish r/tf2 mod did their job

i wish r/tf2 mod did their job
1 Frags +

I am not sure where you are getting your facts. To say the USSR had more advanced and better capabilities than the US in the 1960's is plain false. I have read extensively about the military side and have several books at home I re-read from time to time. I believe you need to do more true research. As a brief overview on US / USSR Nuclear Capabilities for the time in question, read this:


Additionally, I printed out this document and have read it a few times. It does make for interesting reading and can give a clear and factual basis for the discussion:


I am not sure where you are getting your facts. To say the USSR had more advanced and better capabilities than the US in the 1960's is plain false. I have read extensively about the military side and have several books at home I re-read from time to time. I believe you need to do more true research. As a brief overview on US / USSR Nuclear Capabilities for the time in question, read this:


Additionally, I printed out this document and have read it a few times. It does make for interesting reading and can give a clear and factual basis for the discussion:

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