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Country Denmark
Signed Up November 21, 2015
Last Posted February 23, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
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#119 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic

Viking time-traveler?

posted about 8 years ago
#181 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion

"Just counter it".

Didn't know this was Overwatch, where the proper abilities outdo others. I mean pft, open scout vs invite spy that can still 2-3 shot him? Just counter!

posted about 8 years ago
#127 best alias in TF2 General Discussion

Never forget coL.animeman.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion

Hell is with that Cell poster? Shit's sick.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 TF2 Blog: "Item Trading" in TF2 General Discussion

The changes TF2 needs. Truly we can appreciate legitimate unusuals.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Why was Kaidus allowed to coach Se7en ? in The Dumpster

What's the issue? He doesn't have access to mad observer hacks, it's just another opinion.

In reality it's a crutch because they don't have that insight on the team, so surely they would easily be beaten by a better team?

Or are we just complaining because one team takes advantage of something we never ruled out.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Why are we seeing this Spectators Guide? in TF2 General Discussion

What was wrong with the last one that used in-game footage? Was quicker, as professional and way more clear.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 Tam photos @rewind? in TF2 General Discussion

Jasmine shows up in outfits and looks like they're excited.

b4nny shows up at his own lan and already looks as if he wants to go home.

The day TF2 players look comfortable at lan is the day we made it.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Too Many Open Players, Too Few Open Teams in TF2 General Discussion

You can be the best manager in the world and still 'fuck up' if people aren't at all capable of anything but "hey play?" kind of matchmaking.

I mean with Discord these days you can practically bombard people with pings and stuff ahead of time, yet I've met people who even then somehow avoided reading half of it.

Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've had real bad experience with people who generally aren't much for community stuff. Never posts, don't follow any on-going debate, map updates etc. If people however do, they seem infinitely more likely to actually make use of hand-holding, in which case they'd probably be thankful for someone doing everything for them.

In the end you're not there to make people enjoy playing with each other, merely give them the ability to do so. If a team runs like shit chances are it ain't your fault. If they made it to high divisions just playing games and IM'ing people, they probably won't change.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 why tf2 needs more hot artsy asian girls in TF2 General Discussion

Go back and read the reactions to forced public matchmaking. 'This isn't fun anymore' 'I don't want to try hard to win'. These are people who want to be a minority in an fps game, where they can still get to shoot people and have an impact without being at risk for helping you lose.

I've seen a lot of friends get into OW, enjoy it, then slowly realize it's like any other moba. You play the wrong class, you don't perform as expected of the average player. The same goes for matchmaking. You go from being 1 of 12 to 1 of 6, you have to do twice as well and in most cases also be the only player of that class. That alongside with suddenly having to be on voice and interact with strangers is jarring to most.

Even if you do want to play medic, you're one of the most important components of a team. Can't drop ubers, can't miss arrows. Useless shit scout on the flank? "Oh I'm having a bad day". There's no easy way around this other than to be a ballsy player, and a hat simulator doesn't motivate that kind of behavior.

That said, it's also just not a competitive format. Competitive cs:go? Literally the same map and setup. In that way the new 6v6 MM is pretty nice for introductions, but obviously it's still shit. There really isn't a way to go about this without diving in head first. Playing with other noobs is probably the easiest approach, but hey. Who wants to do that.

posted about 8 years ago
#125 Timing items instead of banning them in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 is the epitome of someone better fucking you up. Don't need that OW mindset of 'ups wrong hero xd' shit here.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Who is he? in TF2 General Discussion
VulcanSkittlesBTVulcanfrosttyiicool im kinda popularu made an account just to post in this thread...nice
even if he did so what? (also he only joined like a month after you lmao) the thread is people inquiring about him and his presence is a good thing
what?? i made this thread lol, i clicked on his profile and saw he had only 1 post and that was in this thread, and i wasnt insulting him

"Good job..." How is triple dot not meant to sound insulting?

posted about 8 years ago
#32 see bots chat in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Hate crime in World Events
CerdurcnsmIf you actually think BLM is responsible for this ur actually retarded. The Chicago chapter of BLM has denounced the act on can't push an ideology that fosters hatred and intolerance, and then shake all blame when someone acts on that hate and intolerance, all because you "officially denounced it on twitter XD"

Has BLM actually done anything productive? Ever? Saying that a racist action isn't supported by BLM matters jack shit when they got zero authority or brains behind their movement. The 'management' is probably two late-teens in some dark bedroom somewhere.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 garbage time in TF2 General Discussion
empty_setEven if something like this were to be implemented rounds have the potential to end so fast. So I feel like it wouldn't make that much of a difference. (the Immunity vs TCM comeback @ i49 for example)

4-0, 10 minutes left, winning team has been holding 4 of 5 points like an iron curtain for 7 minutes. When you're scrimming nobody is gonna bust their back trying to win such a game when there's no LAN title on the line. You could be out 10 mins earlier and already be playing a much more even game.

This is the exact reason I can't stand DotA, an otherwise enjoyable game. You sign up for +30 minutes of your life every single game, unless they somehow magically push your shit in within 12. And even if they win early game, they don't dare push in, and you spend 20 minutes waiting to lose.

Just make the whole team say !gg in team chat. Done. Nice, cozy. 2k17 gaming.

posted about 8 years ago
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