i'm tambo lft top im/inv pocket
according to my topographical map my autism (diagnosed by tambo bless u) says he is a good pick up until he gets grounded
will be a rly good player
sadly the grounding thing is not just an empty meme, it seems to happen a lot
if he gets around that pick him up
sadly the grounding thing is not just an empty meme, it seems to happen a lot
if he gets around that pick him up
frenzyxtambo to kill three teams?
frenzy to say anything meaningful?
frenzy to say anything meaningful?
frenzyxtambo to kill three teams?
its funny how a player who gets grounded for the past 3 seasons is better than you on all classes
its funny how a player who gets grounded for the past 3 seasons is better than you on all classes
if he gets on the right team he will be one of the best pockets in IM next season
if ur not looking for any redeeming qualities he's a good pickup
i trust this child with my life in mario party 4
hes also never beat me in esea
hes also never beat me in esea
tambo best frined
tambo carry me in zombies
tambo god :O
tambo carry me in zombies
tambo god :O
its buy one get one. buy tambo, get tambomom
hey banny said you'd be a good pocket for an invite playoff team. lmk if u wanna tryout
He's been doing really well lately. Also a nice guy.
Once upon a time a young tambali added Mr. Grant Vincent with some important news. The tambali claimed he was the best climber in the world, and he needed to prove it to the b4n man. Grant, surprised by the words of the young tambali, agreed to the friend request. The New Yorker had practiced kz for months. He was ready. He had surmounted the unforgiving peaks time and time again. Surely it was his time to shine. Grant messaged the young tambali, he was ready to see his incredible feat. Tambali said one word, penis.
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