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HUD: Scoreboard Help Please!
posted in Q/A Help
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EDIT: nvm I found out you just delete all the minmodes in the scoreboard.res

Hello tf.tv viewers,

I need help on editing my hud.
I'm almost done I just need to do one more thing but I'm not quite sure about it but it's that I need my hud to be in minmode for it to work for reasons but when I do have it in minmode the scoreboard is minimized and I am wondering if you can make the minimized scoreboard into the default big one.

I am using rayshud btw.
Tell me if you need screenshots.

Thanks for reading!

[u][b]EDIT: nvm I found out you just delete all the minmodes in the scoreboard.res[/b][/u]

Hello tf.tv viewers,

I need help on editing my hud.
I'm almost done I just need to do one more thing but I'm not quite sure about it but it's that I need my hud to be in minmode for it to work for reasons but when I do have it in minmode the scoreboard is minimized and I am wondering if you can make the minimized scoreboard into the default big one.

I am using [b]rayshud[/b] btw.
Tell me if you need screenshots.

Thanks for reading!
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