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As many of you know there will be a big blizzard hitting some parts of the US tomorrow so here I wrote down a few safety measures (because we that tight and I care about you) anyways take care people


Have a disaster plan.

Prepare a disaster supplies kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing, and blankets.

Be aware of changing weather.


Stay indoors and dress warmly.

Eat regularly. Food provides the body with energy for producing its own heat.

Drink water. Also, drink warm broth and juices.

If you must go outside, wear layered clothing, mittens and a hat.

Watch for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.

Keep dry. Change wet clothing to prevent the loss of body heat.

If you must drive, carry a cell phone.

Keep the gas tank full.

Let someone know where you’re going, just in case your car gets stuck.

If your car gets stuck, stay with it and wait for help unless help is visible within 100 yards. Use maps and car mats to stay warm.


Avoid driving until conditions have improved.

Avoid overexertion. Heart attacks from shoveling snow are the leading cause of deaths during the winter.

Check on neighbors to make sure they're okay.

As many of you know there will be a big blizzard hitting some parts of the US tomorrow so here I wrote down a few safety measures (because we that tight and I care about you) anyways take care people


Have a disaster plan.

Prepare a disaster supplies kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing, and blankets.

Be aware of changing weather.


Stay indoors and dress warmly.

Eat regularly. Food provides the body with energy for producing its own heat.

Drink water. Also, drink warm broth and juices.

If you must go outside, wear layered clothing, mittens and a hat.

Watch for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.

Keep dry. Change wet clothing to prevent the loss of body heat.

If you must drive, carry a cell phone.

Keep the gas tank full.

Let someone know where you’re going, just in case your car gets stuck.

If your car gets stuck, stay with it and wait for help unless help is visible within 100 yards. Use maps and car mats to stay warm.


Avoid driving until conditions have improved.

Avoid overexertion. Heart attacks from shoveling snow are the leading cause of deaths during the winter.

Check on neighbors to make sure they're okay.
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Did anyone else think this was about the blizzard company

Did anyone else think this was about the blizzard company
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do u guys always have so much weather variation
meanwhile, in england it was a little bit sunny for a bit but it was just a bit chilly like the last 5 months

do u guys always have so much weather variation
meanwhile, in england it was a little bit sunny for a bit but it was just a bit chilly like the last 5 months
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In NY it was 70 degrees 2 days ago and now we're getting 2 ft of snow.

In NY it was 70 degrees 2 days ago and now we're getting 2 ft of snow.
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Here in Northern VA we would probably get like a foot of snow but it isn't sticking
What sucks even more is that we haven't got more than 1 inch of snow this entire year

edit: school cancelled tomarrow

Here in Northern VA we would probably get like a foot of snow but it isn't sticking
What sucks even more is that we haven't got more than 1 inch of snow this entire year

edit: school cancelled tomarrow
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Don't forget your pets! All Puppies and Kitty Cats are to have heated blankets and beds in multiple rooms at all times........... Wait that is just in my house :)

Don't forget your pets! All Puppies and Kitty Cats are to have heated blankets and beds in multiple rooms at all times........... Wait that is just in my house :)
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I have my beverages

I have my beverages
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