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LFT Open Demo/Pocket
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Hello, I honestly don't care what level of open I play in, as long as it's a dedicated team that scrims regularly and at least wants to win. add me if interested

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AvoidingJoker/
ESEA: https://play.esea.net/users/1319251

Hello, I honestly don't care what level of open I play in, as long as it's a dedicated team that scrims regularly and at least wants to win. add me if interested

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AvoidingJoker/
ESEA: https://play.esea.net/users/1319251
-2 Frags +

chill gamer
decent dm

chill gamer
decent dm
9 Frags +

Crouching Tiger
Avoiding Joker

Crouching Tiger
Avoiding Joker
-2 Frags +


1 Frags +

im gay

im gay
7 Frags +

why do go engie in tryouts

why do go engie in tryouts
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12 Frags +

Avoid him, super rude in tryouts. Do not allow him to play as pocket, I can't speak for his demo.
Makes silly plays, doesn't call, and then blames the med rather than adjusting next round. Team chose to cancel the next scrim rather than play with him again. Cronge.

Avoid him, super rude in tryouts. Do not allow him to play as pocket, I can't speak for his demo.
Makes silly plays, doesn't call, and then blames the med rather than adjusting next round. Team chose to cancel the next scrim rather than play with him again. Cronge.
-9 Frags +

I just find it funny how if I say one bad thing to a person they get pissed and hate me forever. the above situation was that I called the roamer coming in and they didn't listen to my call-out so whilst I was trying to kill said roamer, they died and started to yell at me. I said you should have been closer to spawn when I called him out. so yeah

I just find it funny how if I say one bad thing to a person they get pissed and hate me forever. the above situation was that I called the roamer coming in and they didn't listen to my call-out so whilst I was trying to kill said roamer, they died and started to yell at me. I said you should have been closer to spawn when I called him out. so yeah
-7 Frags +

This community is so bad. people get mad over the littlest things and hold a grudge against you for it.

This community is so bad. people get mad over the littlest things and hold a grudge against you for it.
3 Frags +

lacks self awareness
lacks ability to take responsibility
lacks maturity
lacks kindness

lacks self awareness
lacks ability to take responsibility
lacks maturity
lacks kindness
5 Frags +

narotic isnt a word btw

narotic isnt a word btw
4 Frags +

Is a joke
Should avoid

Is a joke
Should avoid
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