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Highlight: garbuglio vs. Froyotech
posted in Videos
19 Frags +

really liked the faster pace feel of this

really liked the faster pace feel of this
7 Frags +

In game volume and sound effects could have been increased a little more and not sure if it's just me, but they also sound muffled as well.

In game volume and sound effects could have been increased a little more and not sure if it's just me, but they also sound muffled as well.
23 Frags +

garbuglio definitely went beast mode on this grand final, corsa and yomps too

garbuglio definitely went beast mode on this grand final, corsa and yomps too
8 Frags +

pyxelize highlight video PogChamp

pyxelize highlight video PogChamp
7 Frags +

fucking sick, really love how you used slomo in this one

fucking sick, really love how you used slomo in this one
2 Frags +

right when i saw this highlight i knew you would make a video out of it

right when i saw this highlight i knew you would make a video out of it
6 Frags +

revelation of the year, soon to be on par with seagull and blaze for best roamer na

revelation of the year, soon to be on par with seagull and blaze for best roamer na
9 Frags +

Nice job on the edit Unicorn_Wizard!

Nice job on the edit Unicorn_Wizard!
9 Frags +

unicorn back with the awesome edits

unicorn back with the awesome edits
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i was gonna say I was confused but I know better than to question it

i was gonna say I was confused but I know better than to question it
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Twiggyrevelation of the year, soon to be on par with seagull and blaze for best roamer na

im a garbuggalo fan just as much as the next guy but that's definitely debatable
blaze and seagull were on a completely different level tbh (seagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer)
also the thing about blaze is he plays on like 85 ping and doesn't get the luxury of 15 ping rockets so the fact that he is so good speaks more to his gamesense/timing whereas with just good dm/low ping you can get by pretty well

[quote=Twiggy]revelation of the year, soon to be on par with seagull and blaze for best roamer na[/quote]
im a garbuggalo fan just as much as the next guy but that's definitely debatable
blaze and seagull were on a completely different level tbh (seagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer)
also the thing about blaze is he plays on like 85 ping and doesn't get the luxury of 15 ping rockets so the fact that he is so good speaks more to his gamesense/timing whereas with just good dm/low ping you can get by pretty well
7 Frags +
bearodactylseagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer

can you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)

[quote=bearodactyl]seagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer[/quote]
can you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)
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camperbearodactylseagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamercan you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)

Yeah they had platinum and ruwin I wouldn't really say seagull was carrying.

[quote=camper][quote=bearodactyl]seagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer[/quote]
can you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)[/quote]

Yeah they had platinum and ruwin I wouldn't really say seagull was carrying.
6 Frags +
BBiA_duchesscamperbearodactylseagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamercan you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)

Yeah they had platinum and ruwin I wouldn't really say seagull was carrying.

I mean they were all super good but seagull would consistently make huge plays and was definitely one of the smartest roamers I've ever seen play.

[quote=BBiA_duchess][quote=camper][quote=bearodactyl]seagull managed to single handedly carry mix^ on roamer[/quote]
can you elaborate
i didn't watch tf2 back when mixup was around and when i watched their matches seagull seemed like what blaze is to froyo (not really carrying)[/quote]

Yeah they had platinum and ruwin I wouldn't really say seagull was carrying.[/quote]
I mean they were all super good but seagull would consistently make huge plays and was definitely one of the smartest roamers I've ever seen play.
0 Frags +

didn't seagull do a lot of the calling on mix^ as well?

didn't seagull do a lot of the calling on mix^ as well?
6 Frags +

watch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carrying

watch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carrying
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Zestywatch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carrying

any suggestions? i could kill some time

[quote=Zesty]watch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carrying[/quote]
any suggestions? i could kill some time
2 Frags +
camperZestywatch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carryingany suggestions? i could kill some time


[quote=camper][quote=Zesty]watch some of the mix^ i52 games and you'll see seagull carrying[/quote]
any suggestions? i could kill some time[/quote]
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