LFT Medic.
I've played medic for various low to mid open teams, and was making a team with playoff potential before it fell to me quitting and a few other internal conflicts.
Ringing for dom's team but still lft if a team can work with my schedule
esea https://play.esea.net/users/1386663
etf2l (also willing to play eu) http://etf2l.org/recruitment/246135/
steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/tsarnotczar
Thanks to anyone who can give me a spot
LFT Medic.
I've played medic for various low to mid open teams, and was making a team with playoff potential before it fell to me quitting and a few other internal conflicts.
Ringing for dom's team but still lft if a team can work with my schedule
esea https://play.esea.net/users/1386663
etf2l (also willing to play eu) http://etf2l.org/recruitment/246135/
steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/tsarnotczar
Thanks to anyone who can give me a spot
Nice gamer. Give him a team.
Nice gamer. Give him a team.
Looking to play full time now that I'm nearly done with school. Wanting to play medic. Willing to work with a mentor, scrim nearly every night, and do frequent demo reviews.
Looking to play full time now that I'm nearly done with school. Wanting to play medic. Willing to work with a mentor, scrim nearly every night, and do frequent demo reviews.