How do you personally pronounce "covfefe"
I pronounce it as "Co (as in "cocoa") - feh - fa (as in favor)"
In case you've been living under a rock for the past few days
Of course since its not a real word, there is no single correct pronunciation for "covfefe"... yet.
How do you personally pronounce "covfefe"
I pronounce it as "Co (as in "cocoa") - feh - fa (as in favor)"
[url=]In case you've been living under a rock for the past few days[/url]
Of course since its not a real word, there is no single correct pronunciation for "covfefe"... yet.
Jw321123its not a real word
[quote=Jw321123]its not a real word[/quote]
old meme
but not old in the good way like good old memes
just a musty week-old meme
old meme
but not old in the good way like good old memes
just a musty week-old meme
I thought it was cow-fe-fe smh
I thought it was cow-fe-fe smh
can someone explain the meme to me please
can someone explain the meme to me please
yukarican someone explain the meme to me please
Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and makes typos so he's Hitler if Hitler only killed babies
[quote=yukari]can someone explain the meme to me please[/quote]
Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and makes typos so he's Hitler if Hitler only killed babies
THEBILLDOZERyukarican someone explain the meme to me please
Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and makes typos so he's Hitler if Hitler only killed babies
tbh the funnier thing was sean spicer trying to pass it off as a secret code word instead of a simple typo
[quote=THEBILLDOZER][quote=yukari]can someone explain the meme to me please[/quote]
Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and makes typos so he's Hitler if Hitler only killed babies[/quote]
tbh the funnier thing was sean spicer trying to pass it off as a secret code word instead of a simple typo
how do people find this funny
how do people find this funny
this is the kind of shit only the mongos on twitter would find funny
this is the kind of shit only the mongos on twitter would find funny
this joke was dead an hour after it was born please stop
this joke was dead an hour after it was born please stop
this was funny for about 15 minutes when it first happened, then it stopped being funny, then it was funny again when r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic, then that wore off too, and now it's basically at the wendy's commercial/t-shirt at walmart level of snark
this was funny for about 15 minutes when it first happened, then it stopped being funny, then it was funny again when r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic, then that wore off too, and now it's basically at the wendy's commercial/t-shirt at walmart level of snark
sendhow do people find this funny
toads_tfthis is the kind of shit only the mongos on twitter would find funny
thesqrtminus1this joke was dead an hour after it was born please stop
wow look at the unity this meme is inspiring!
[quote=send]how do people find this funny[/quote]
[quote=toads_tf]this is the kind of shit only the mongos on twitter would find funny[/quote]
[quote=thesqrtminus1]this joke was dead an hour after it was born please stop[/quote]
wow look at the unity this meme is inspiring!
mustardoverlord r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic
[quote=mustardoverlord] r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic[/quote]
[quote=toads_tf][quote=mustardoverlord] r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic[/quote]
mustardoverlord r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic
actually no
[quote=mustardoverlord] r/The_Donald was claiming that he was sending a hidden message to his followers in arabic[/quote]
actually no
Human civilization in 2017
Human civilization in 2017
The Associated Press were quick to declare that it is "cuv-fey-fey"
Also, like everyone else said, if you're still thinking about this or talking about it as of today, you're an actual idiot
[url=]The Associated Press were quick to declare that it is "cuv-fey-fey"[/url]
Also, like everyone else said, if you're still thinking about this or talking about it as of today, you're an actual idiot
i want to peel off donalds skin and wear it
i want to peel off donalds skin and wear it
ha ha big orange man make typo is funny
ha ha big orange man make typo is funny