I'm gonna do this again, will try to focus on testing maps
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7369 testing cp_propaganda_a9
I'm gonna do this again, will try to focus on testing maps
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7369 testing cp_propaganda_a9
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7374 we're gonna try prolander... im pretty sure tf2centre doesnt support this so its reasonable
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7374 soldier sub pls
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7392 we're testing cp_cardinal_a3 here, lets go
sorry im noob: i meant to put it as b3: https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7393
we launched, anyone who played in the lobby should post feedback here
some product https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7396
daily because it takes a full day to fill one up aye
its been over 2 hours since the product one been up
EVerytime i look at thsi site it's deader than dead
Zetsudaily because it takes a full day to fill one up aye
its been over 2 hours since the product one been up
yea cuz its product, there were 2 new maps lobbies within like an hour this morning
I get slightly triggered reading some of the comments people have about TF2Stadium...
People complain about how shit TF2Centre is, me included, but nobody actually tries to do anything about it. As soon as TF2Stadium is brought up, people just say "oh its dead". That shouldn't stop you from trying to promote it, even amongst a few friends. TF2Stadium in terms of features, UI and convenience is vastly superior to TF2Center. TF2S SHOULD be the main lobby site, but nobody is willing to take time out of their day to try make it happen.
I completely understand, it's nobodies responsibility to promote a site they don't own
Since yesterday we've already cut down the average time of filling a lobby from almost never to around 40 minutes. It just takes a few people who are willing to make the first steps. My good man Gomperk volunteers to go medic to help stadium lobbies fill faster, as well as some others who also want to test out maps not currently in the rotation.
If anyone can find people who feel like playing newer maps or just want Stadium to become the main lobby site like it should be, that would be greatly appreciated
Also to the developers of Stadium if you are reading this please fix SuperUser bullying people in mumble by not letting them join their correct team mumble and instead moving them out to a different channel. It seems to start messing up after a few lobbies with the same people. Trying to reset or remove hour restrictions on slots goes back to +150.
I'd also encourage anyone who regularly participates in these lobbies to give feedback on any of the new maps we play
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7398 this thing has jump pads i gonna play it
3 more boys
yea this is fun as hell, especially messing around on random maps
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7404 propaganda again, hopefully i can locate second this game
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stadtf Steam group
I've been asked to do a quick rundown of features TF2S has:
Making lobbies:
- Can remember previous configurations, ability to favourite them
- No need to book servers on serveme.tf before making a lobby
- Can choose from a pool of premium servers
- Can restrict lobbies to steam groups
- Can restrict lobbies to twitch followers/subscribers, with a TF2Stadium twitch bot that can announce these lobbies automatically (amik is gonna love this)
- Prolander
- Can remove restrictions on hours/lobbies/slots or add them after the lobby has been created
- Supports Asia (with asiafortress config), Russia and Africa
- Can choose whether to automatically open logs.tf or not after a lobby finishes
- Much more attractive and clean UI + no ads
- Emojis (:thinking: included)
- No need for multiple tabs of TF2Stadium; switching to the home page or any other site page still keeps you in your slot and has a button to go back to the lobby
- Customisable lobby announcement voices (Kritzkast, GGGLYGY, Uncle Dane, etc.)
- Can have a site alias like PugChamp
- Can save personal servers
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7407 koth_bagel_rc2
1 medic
cp_kalinka_b5 https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7409 5 people already
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7413 logjam again
cp_logjam_rc5 with stock weapons only (roamer with shotgun hype)
edit: ninja'd :(
cp_gravelpit with stock weapons only again (cuz its fun)
i can't play tf2 rn but i'll make sure to join this as soon as possible
god bless you gatsan
bump this shit lets abolish the government and establish total anarchy
cp_propaganda lobby (global whitelist this time)
cp_propaganda https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7427
come game some games bois
https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7427 scout substitute required