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ESEA Season 27 Open Discussion
-17 Frags +

jaguar fiend is better than you at tf2 and he’ll fuck your bitch, watch out kid

jaguar fiend is better than you at tf2 and he’ll fuck your bitch, watch out kid
4 Frags +

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a bingo!

Thank you dishsoap for contributing to this season's ESEA Open bingo card. We are only one more spot away from getting yet another bingo (unless I missed that specific spot in which case we will have 2 bingos)!


Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a bingo!

Thank you dishsoap for contributing to this season's ESEA Open bingo card. We are only one more spot away from getting yet another bingo (unless I missed that specific spot in which case we will have 2 bingos)!

-20 Frags +
warriordragon12zxchow come every med main has retarded aliases like "love zoey" (u suck lion)

Regarding Crate's team:
You literally defend your players for covering up for being toxic, like we'd roll your team in scrims and matches if we played on our mains. We went double spy to mid and you guys rage quit. For having a bunch of bad players who talk a lot of shit, you do a really bad job at keeping them on their leash. I have to deal with trizzaa and yuki, and these two are mega noobs. But then again, I would be mad too if I was losing to a team with an engineer at mid.

there is not a single person in the entire planet outside of your team who cares about your scrims

You’re the worst player on your team.

[quote=warriordragon12][quote=zxc]how come every med main has retarded aliases like "love zoey" (u suck lion)

Regarding Crate's team:
You literally defend your players for covering up for being toxic, like we'd roll your team in scrims and matches if we played on our mains. We went double spy to mid and you guys rage quit. For having a bunch of bad players who talk a lot of shit, you do a really bad job at keeping them on their leash. I have to deal with trizzaa and yuki, and these two are mega noobs. But then again, I would be mad too if I was losing to a team with an engineer at mid.[/quote]

there is not a single person in the entire planet outside of your team who cares about your scrims[/quote]

You’re the worst player on your team.
6 Frags +
Thank you dishsoap for contributing to this season's ESEA Open bingo card. We are only one more spot away from getting yet another bingo (unless I missed that specific spot in which case we will have 2 bingos)!

ok ill help out too

my team is the best team in open and we are ranked too low on the power rankings


Thank you dishsoap for contributing to this season's ESEA Open bingo card. We are only one more spot away from getting yet another bingo (unless I missed that specific spot in which case we will have 2 bingos)!


ok ill help out too

my team is the best team in open and we are ranked too low on the power rankings
5 Frags +
there is not a single person in the entire planet outside of your team who cares about your scrims

You’re the worst player on your team.

i'll take that one thanks


there is not a single person in the entire planet outside of your team who cares about your scrims[/quote]

You’re the worst player on your team.[/quote]
i'll take that one thanks
30 Frags +

u talk pretty big for someone with 7 open wins

u talk pretty big for someone with 7 open wins
31 Frags +
You’re the worst player on your team.

and every single player on my team is better than every single player on your team, which is why you will lose to me


You’re the worst player on your team.[/quote]

and every single player on my team is better than every single player on your team, which is why you will lose to me
16 Frags +

Daily reminder people are this dumb about ESEA open and actively care enough to try to force 5v6s

Daily reminder people are this dumb about ESEA open and actively care enough to try to force 5v6s
17 Frags +


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-1 Frags +


19 Frags +


19 Frags +





0 Frags +

y'all are going about trying to get scummy wins the wrong way
ya gotta pull a jduff

y'all are going about trying to get scummy wins the wrong way
ya gotta pull a [url=https://play.esea.net/match/9582388]jduff[/url]
7 Frags +

Mousecake is the best player. He has the 2nd most damage in ESEA right now.


Mousecake is the best player. He has the 2nd most damage in ESEA right now.

-25 Frags +

name 1 player better than me on your team bitch

name 1 player better than me on your team bitch
31 Frags +
zxcname 1 player better than me on your team bitch


[quote=zxc]name 1 player better than me on your team bitch[/quote]

-36 Frags +

i only see bots

i only see bots
43 Frags +


30 Frags +

oh i see ur being ironic now all my posts have no meaning

oh i see ur being ironic now all my posts have no meaning
1 Frags +
tatuwahoh i see ur being ironic now all my posts have no meaning

shouldve never posted in the first place...

[quote=tatuwah]oh i see ur being ironic now all my posts have no meaning[/quote]
shouldve never posted in the first place...
11 Frags +

at least im not scared 2 show ppl what i look like

y dont u get off ur alt and show us ur face on ur main?

at least im not scared 2 show ppl what i look like

y dont u get off ur alt and show us ur face on ur main?
48 Frags +

shocking revelations...

12:16 AM - mana: do you want some free +frags
12:16 AM - viper: yes sir
12:16 AM - mana: deliciosafresitados is snarken
12:16 AM - viper: LOL
12:16 AM - mana: yep
12:16 AM - viper: i love u mana
12:16 AM - mana: enjoy
12:16 AM - viper: ur my day 1 nigga
12:16 AM - mana: that alt is perma banned, and i gave snarken's account a 1 day ban
12:17 AM - viper: LMFAO
12:17 AM - mana: loser
12:17 AM - viper: ya kids a fuckin downie rofl
12:17 AM - viper: hs dropout
12:17 AM - mana: yikes

shocking revelations...

12:16 AM - mana: do you want some free +frags
12:16 AM - viper: yes sir
12:16 AM - mana: deliciosafresitados is snarken
12:16 AM - viper: LOL
12:16 AM - mana: yep
12:16 AM - viper: i love u mana
12:16 AM - mana: enjoy
12:16 AM - viper: ur my day 1 nigga
12:16 AM - mana: that alt is perma banned, and i gave snarken's account a 1 day ban
12:17 AM - viper: LMFAO
12:17 AM - mana: loser
12:17 AM - viper: ya kids a fuckin downie rofl
12:17 AM - viper: hs dropout
12:17 AM - mana: yikes
16 Frags +


8 Frags +

why are ppl arguing about who has a better team.

why are ppl arguing about who has a better team.
12 Frags +

wat else is there to do

wat else is there to do
13 Frags +

start unnecessary beef

Fuck U Yoshi Negro

start unnecessary beef

Fuck U Yoshi Negro
20 Frags +
zxci only see bots


[quote=zxc]i only see bots[/quote]
5 Frags +

lft hmu

lft hmu
8 Frags +


1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 89
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