That crosshair looks pretty cool, info?
That crosshair looks pretty cool, info?
dashnerif someone could mod vile's crosshair for 1920x1080, i'd be very appreciative.
I just changed wide "2" to wide "3" in anything named <right/left/top/bot><2/3>
mghughlaurieis there any way to turn off custom crosshairs for the other classes? i use clockworks custom xhair for scout but i don't like it for the other 8 classes and i have to switch out my hud alot which is annoying
You can set a custom crosshair to be visible while in a specific cl_hud_minmode. This is the simplest way to toggle a hud crosshair.
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"visible_minmode" "0"
"enabled_minmode" "0"
The achievement crosshair method is the best though.
featuring forks the invisible engineer
i used to have the dot instead of the plus to have it exactly like quake's but i like the plus better
How did u do that, please tell.
yellow cross_with_dot, with black hud dot
lambdaHow did u do that, please tell.
dunno what res you use, but i use 1920x1080 so
"name" "Courier"
"tall" "10"
"weight" "0"
"outline" "1"
"name" "button_by_fanta"
"tall" "36"
"weight" "0"
"antialias" "1"
"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "xHair"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "4"
"xpos" "c-6"
"ypos" "c-6"
"wide" "12"
"tall" "12"
"font" "xHair"
"labelText" "+"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255"
"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "xHairQuake"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "1"
"xpos" "c-103"
"ypos" "c-99"
"wide" "200"
"tall" "200"
"font" "xHairQuake"
"labelText" "i"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 35"
the font came with some hud i was usin before that tho, but if you dont have it, it's this one
Ells large fairy crosshair with an outlined square in the middle
dat fov
grapethe first xhair i made up today, the circle changes to blue/red when you get buffed or hurt, and the whole thing flashes green when you damage someone
second one I mostly use on scout, the dot is actually a green square inside a white circle w/ a black outline
download link please?
grapethe first xhair i made up today, the circle changes to blue/red when you get buffed or hurt, and the whole thing flashes green when you damage someone
second one I mostly use on scout, the dot is actually a green square inside a white circle w/ a black outline
post this?
The winz Shootmania crosshair...four sizes included!
*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.
What's the font? I really want it (for the text)
*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.*You will need a font called "kravitz" installed on your system.