Bump, still looking for tryouts for any top open/low im team as demoman
Frenzy is a very well experienced player who is very easy to get along with. I have never seen him tilt, his dm is solid, and his calls are always well informed. Easily a top open / low im demo.
good dm and solid gamesense, could totally play high open/ low IM
Frenzy is a very nice person. As you already know he is a good gamer. Why hasn't this dude been picked up yet? ;oo is it the anime?
Solid demo, barefootiest demo, pretty sure he could main call if he wanted.
if he changes his name back to frenzy then his power will increase 10-fold
def worth a tryout to see if they fit in your team, great dm and gamesense just be wary of tilting. fun to be in mumble with!
He's a good player but kinda a snake personality wise. Also quite a bit of ego even though he doesn't show it allot of the time.
recruitcertain things happen to my team that i felt as a team leader i needed to make a change.
is that the nice way of saying you cut 2 players who had potential because you wanted better picks and paid screwb a 960 to play for you last season?
is that the nice way of saying you cut 2 players who had potential because you wanted better picks and paid screwb a 960 to play for you last season?
Sliceroguerecruitcertain things happen to my team that i felt as a team leader i needed to make a change.
is that the nice way of saying you cut 2 players who had potential because you wanted better picks and paid screwb a 960 to play for you last season?
I'll go ahead and step in and say, that the players we cut were results of team decisions as some of us did have a say in what we wanted with our roster. Screwb was going to join the team regardless of what some may think, and I voluntarily moved over to Medic so everyone can have a place on the roster.
Please don't get the wrong idea about Frenzy, he's a good person. Just never let him play Medic.
is that the nice way of saying you cut 2 players who had potential because you wanted better picks and paid screwb a 960 to play for you last season?[/quote]
I'll go ahead and step in and say, that the players we cut were results of team decisions as some of us did have a say in what we wanted with our roster. Screwb was going to join the team regardless of what some may think, and I voluntarily moved over to Medic so everyone can have a place on the roster.
Please don't get the wrong idea about Frenzy, he's a good person. Just never let him play Medic.
Dont talk shit about frenzy m8s.
He helped me when i wasn't even going to be able to play the season.
Yes i wouldnt have played for his team if i wasn't getting a gfx card out of it HOWEVER i wasn't going to be able to play at all if i wasn't. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/780659760364175301/C871B054B31BAF0E0CF4AEB25CE7C2F64A67CD24/
He sent me the card for a VERY good deal and let me make payments to him to pay it off cause im broke AF.
The only thing i was flat out "payed" was my esea fees to my previous team was supposed to be payed back to them but there was a mixup somewhere and it never happened. (If you know the person who was supposed to get those fees please contact me so that i can cover it).
Granted i vented about the skill level of the team from time to time but i knew that was going happen going into it. Don't take my frustrated bants as anything but that.
If frenzy is anything he is trustworthy and a good friend willing to help his team mates.
If you are going to BM anyone BM me for being a bit of a cunt.
Fenzy as a player is solid current upper mid open (old high open).
He helped me when i wasn't even going to be able to play the season.
Yes i wouldnt have played for his team if i wasn't getting a gfx card out of it HOWEVER i wasn't going to be able to play at all if i wasn't. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/780659760364175301/C871B054B31BAF0E0CF4AEB25CE7C2F64A67CD24/
He sent me the card for a VERY good deal and let me make payments to him to pay it off cause im broke AF.
The only thing i was flat out "payed" was my esea fees to my previous team was supposed to be payed back to them but there was a mixup somewhere and it never happened. (If you know the person who was supposed to get those fees please contact me so that i can cover it).
Granted i vented about the skill level of the team from time to time but i knew that was going happen going into it. Don't take my frustrated bants as anything but that.
If frenzy is anything he is trustworthy and a good friend willing to help his team mates.
If you are going to BM anyone BM me for being a bit of a cunt.
Fenzy as a player is solid current upper mid open (old high open).
Ye I know haven't really played seriously in a while
Ye I know haven't really played seriously in a while
The fact that he's good enough to be on a playoff hopeful invite players radar probably means he's pretty good for someone looking to sub in open lol.
Every interaction I've had with frenzy has been more positive than the one before it. Chill dude who (used to at least) pounds open on demo.
The fact that he's good enough to be on a playoff hopeful invite players radar probably means he's pretty good for someone looking to sub in open lol.
Every interaction I've had with frenzy has been more positive than the one before it. Chill dude who (used to at least) pounds open on demo.