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steam account
posted in Requests
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i got banned a long time ago.

when i got back into tf2 i made a new steam account so I could post on tftv again.

can you either link my steam account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/jetz420/) to this tftv account or unban the account associated with it? thanks

i got banned a long time ago.

when i got back into tf2 i made a new steam account so I could post on tftv again.

can you either link my steam account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/jetz420/) to this tftv account or unban the account associated with it? thanks
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what got u banned

what got u banned
0 Frags +
Brimstonewhat got u banned

i was 13/14 so mostly just retard circlejerk shitposting

[quote=Brimstone]what got u banned[/quote]

i was 13/14 so mostly just retard circlejerk shitposting
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