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Alexandros LFT
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ur cut

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fo real though alex has improved alot this season and i believe he will do good on any IM team he joins
ur cut

[spoiler]fo real though alex has improved alot this season and i believe he will do good on any IM team he joins[/spoiler]
8 Frags +
bwelpur cut


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Not surprised tbh

however, hes pretty solid fragger, he gets a decent amount of slack for the past but hes a gamer
[quote=bwelp]ur cut[/quote]

[spoiler]Not surprised tbh

however, hes pretty solid fragger, he gets a decent amount of slack for the past but hes a gamer[/spoiler]
7 Frags +
bwelpur cut


[quote=bwelp]ur cut[/quote]
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6 Frags +

actual footage of alexandros playing tf2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj83CnXuK-0

actual footage of alexandros playing tf2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj83CnXuK-0
0 Frags +

extremely improved this season and was very dedicated to his team, used to bait a ton but is now a full fledged play maker on the roamer class. some of the cleanest DM you'll see.

extremely improved this season and was very dedicated to his team, used to bait a ton but is now a full fledged play maker on the roamer class. some of the cleanest DM you'll see.
-3 Frags +

super nice guy, massive brain, very confident in his calls, someone start a gofundme to get him a nice pc ^-*

super nice guy, massive brain, very confident in his calls, someone start a gofundme to get him a nice pc ^-*
3 Frags +

dudes rockets are actually sick now
improved quite a bit over this last season but i still think he was the weakest link on happybois
playoffs IM for sure

dudes rockets are actually sick now
improved quite a bit over this last season but i still think he was the weakest link on happybois
playoffs IM for sure
-4 Frags +

bump full on lft now

bump full on lft now
-5 Frags +

very good player and awesome guy

very good player and awesome guy
-2 Frags +

always performed adequately in all the pugs i've played with him. also is overall pleasant to speak to :)

always performed adequately in all the pugs i've played with him. also is overall pleasant to speak to :)
-7 Frags +

Not sure if my team is living for next season as of right now

LFT low invite/top IM soldier

mid-high IM demo

High open-low IM scout

Not sure if my team is living for next season as of right now

LFT low invite/top IM soldier

mid-high IM demo

High open-low IM scout
-2 Frags +

jacked irl

jacked irl
2 Frags +

solid player didnt watch too much im this season but from what i saw he did well dunno about low invite necessarily but theres been plenty of im playoffs soldiers who went on to play low invite even tho they didnt win or whatever i dont rly see a problem if anything it says hes dedicated enough to actually want to go through the low invite grind rather than just playing im forever

solid player didnt watch too much im this season but from what i saw he did well dunno about low invite necessarily but theres been plenty of im playoffs soldiers who went on to play low invite even tho they didnt win or whatever i dont rly see a problem if anything it says hes dedicated enough to actually want to go through the low invite grind rather than just playing im forever
6 Frags +

both alex's were the best players, he is one of them although his name is george..

both alex's were the best players, he is one of them although his name is george..
-1 Frags +

bump s31

bump s31
1 Frags +

alex is actually slept on. we scrim them often and i think he really refined a lot of his play in invite. solid pickup for am invite team oriented toward improvement and a solid pick up for top im.

alex is actually slept on. we scrim them often and i think he really refined a lot of his play in invite. solid pickup for am invite team oriented toward improvement and a solid pick up for top im.
-3 Frags +

If there is a hiding spot on a map. Alex knows it, and he WILL live in your med's nightmares because of it.

If there is a hiding spot on a map. Alex knows it, and he WILL live in your med's nightmares because of it.
-3 Frags +

the salvager will hit the shots and will be behind

the salvager will hit the shots and will be behind
-2 Frags +

I love George

I love George
-2 Frags +

Alexandros is slept on as a demo. Deserves a little more shine.

Alexandros is slept on as a demo. Deserves a little more shine.
-1 Frags +


-1 Frags +

The guy's rockets are insane. He took things seriously on the team and genuinely was trying his best to improve.

Definitely worth your consideration. He has the potential to be great, on the right team.

The guy's rockets are insane. He took things seriously on the team and genuinely was trying his best to improve.

Definitely worth your consideration. He has the potential to be great, on the right team.
0 Frags +

bump rgl

bump rgl
-2 Frags +

actual pc bump

actual pc bump
1 Frags +

Man has become noobist elite in tf2.
But actually he is pretty good at tf2 u guys should pick him up

Man has become noobist elite in tf2.
But actually he is pretty good at tf2 u guys should pick him up
-1 Frags +

End of season bump

End of season bump
-3 Frags +

has mastered the generic roamer play.
pick him up

has mastered the generic roamer play.
pick him up
-1 Frags +

Has an unfair advantage when playing spy, is french irl

Has an unfair advantage when playing spy, is french irl
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