I am looking for a team I am an open demo this is my steam profile if you want to add me and discussed anything with me i am available for scrims at both 9:30 and 10:30 pm I am mostly available at 10:30 pm scrims and matches. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198869287223/
he has a brain on a higher plane of existence, his DM is nuts and he's incredibly committed to improving. he could go far with the right team around him.
plays tf2 based on pure instinct alone...
I would say he's at least mid open
I would say he's at least mid open
the dude talks probably once every ten minutes but when he does it's to say that he's won the game.
bin b4rma
shin h4rma
thin 4rma
win r4rma
give my boy a team here.
shin h4rma
thin 4rma
win r4rma
give my boy a team here.
the demon prince himself, insane dm, nice guy, literally the coolest dude ever, pick up my man
really solid mechanics and a really good attitude about the game, really enjoyed playing with him. Comms are pretty good, sometimes background audio from not having PTT can clutter comms but other than that his comms were really clear and concise; highly recommended for high open
Beware Virgins, For The Demon Prince Will Sacrifice Your Soul And Offer Your Blood To The Blood God...