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The biggest nerd essay (also quitting lol)
posted in Projects
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Hi all,

So some of you may remember that I asked for participants to take part in an interview for my undergraduate dissertation. Well that dissertation is being reworked into something that could be academically published but unfortunately that means a lot of my discussions have to be cut out for later research or just thrown away. There's a lot that was discussed that I think would be an interesting read so I've made a public release of the paper. Note: it hasn't been peer reviewed so bear that in mind when reading.

I wouldn't recommend trying to read through this in one sitting, since it is over 50 pages, perhaps one section at at time would be the best way to approach this. This isn't "how to solve comp tf2" or anything like that, so please don't treat it as such.

Also to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments, full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.

That being said, enjoy the read and thank you for the past 5 years.

Nerd Essay: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i4CJHE3ZRWQXEIrzh7mM28tmxTkGNX0na_GQ5GDMC2w/edit?usp=sharing

Nerd Leaving: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr0ddo

Hi all,

So some of you may remember that I asked for participants to take part in an interview for my undergraduate dissertation. Well that dissertation is being reworked into something that could be academically published but unfortunately that means a lot of my discussions have to be cut out for later research or just thrown away. There's a lot that was discussed that I think would be an interesting read so I've made a public release of the paper. Note: it hasn't been peer reviewed so bear that in mind when reading.

I wouldn't recommend trying to read through this in one sitting, since it is over 50 pages, perhaps one section at at time would be the best way to approach this. This isn't "how to solve comp tf2" or anything like that, so please don't treat it as such.

Also to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments, full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.

That being said, enjoy the read and thank you for the past 5 years.

Nerd Essay: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i4CJHE3ZRWQXEIrzh7mM28tmxTkGNX0na_GQ5GDMC2w/edit?usp=sharing

Nerd Leaving: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr0ddo
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What major allowed you to write a thesis on tf2? Good luck in your future endeavours

What major allowed you to write a thesis on tf2? Good luck in your future endeavours
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And just when I thought things couldn't get worse :(

Thanks so much for all the effort you've put in, don't think people realize how much you actually did for the community.

Best of luck in your future endeavours, hope your thesis goes well :)

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse :(

Thanks so much for all the effort you've put in, don't think people realize how much you actually did for the community.

Best of luck in your future endeavours, hope your thesis goes well :)
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Pleasure to reach mid(lol) with you and thanks for your efforts with lans and such

All the best.

Pleasure to reach mid(lol) with you and thanks for your efforts with lans and such

All the best.
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your efforts with ETF2L and Essentials, especially what you did for Insomnia this past LAN really have helped keep the scene chugging along. While I might be biased, being personally indebted to you after sitting with me in a hospital ER for 5 hours, the fact that you even did that shit without complaint, and were just worried about your staff (me in this case) shows just how fucking dedicated you have been to improving people's LAN experience. You were always the guy leading team meetings for the most part at LAN, and you were really someone to look up to honestly.

Really hoping that I get to see you next iSeries, after all the shit you went through with me the least I can do is buy you a drink :)

your efforts with ETF2L and Essentials, [i]especially[/i] what you did for Insomnia this past LAN really have helped keep the scene chugging along. While I might be biased, being personally indebted to you after sitting with me in a hospital ER for 5 hours, the fact that you even did that shit without complaint, and were just worried about your staff (me in this case) shows just how fucking dedicated you have been to improving people's LAN experience. You were always the guy leading team meetings for the most part at LAN, and you were really someone to look up to honestly.

Really hoping that I get to see you next iSeries, after all the shit you went through with me the least I can do is buy you a drink :)
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for those who haven't read many academic papers, the most efficient way is to:

  • roughly read the abstract, introduction, conclusion, section headings. trust everything you read for now.
  • read any interesting sections (based on the headings), focus on the beginning and end of them. the more the better
  • then think about it critically, considering counter-arguments/assumptions made

thanks for putting in so much work for lan doc o7

for those who haven't read many academic papers, the most efficient way is to:

[*] roughly read the abstract, introduction, conclusion, section headings. trust everything you read for now.
[*] read any interesting sections (based on the headings), focus on the beginning and end of them. the more the better
[*] then think about it critically, considering counter-arguments/assumptions made

thanks for putting in so much work for lan doc o7
37 Frags +
DrHappinessAlso to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments, full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.

About that... https://twitter.com/British_Esports/status/1192094616264335362 ;)

Also to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, [b]as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments[/b], full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.[/quote]

About that... https://twitter.com/British_Esports/status/1192094616264335362 ;)
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ArchRhythmDrHappinessAlso to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments, full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.
About that... https://twitter.com/British_Esports/status/1192094616264335362 ;)

what a madlad!!!

Also to add on to this so I don't spam threads, I am stepping down from League Admin and Project Leads on future events with Essentials, [b]as well as "attempting" to quit the game as a whole to focus on my real-life commitments[/b], full write up below. Still be up for random mixes though.[/quote]

About that... https://twitter.com/British_Esports/status/1192094616264335362 ;)[/quote]

what a madlad!!!
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Upon meeting you, you made me feel involved and benefit from your positive vibes, even though I did not know you much. So good luck in your endeavors!

Upon meeting you, you made me feel involved and benefit from your positive vibes, even though I did not know you much. So good luck in your endeavors!
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