In recent seasons, the mostly-German squad has become a common sight in Premiership. Now for the first time without stefaan as the main player, wer das liest ist doof’s new form is an interesting mix of rookies and veterans, all of them certainly are hopeful to finish decently, and maybe even reach 3rd place like in Season 29. While previously the team is composed of a majority of German players, this season will mark the first since the team’s very beginnings without any Brits sneaking their way onto the roster (yet).
Celebrated roaming Soldier Rising has opted to join forces with his countrymen for this season, and the amount of experience that he brings to the table is considerable, as he notably won Prem with Übersexuals in Season 19 before going on a hiatus. He came back to the front of the scene by winning Copenhagen Games 2018 with Ascenchiladas and was last seen in the top level with Faint Gaming EU during Season 31, finishing 4th place with them. voxtec on the other side is a less experienced player, acting as a backup for War & Sons last season, but was instrumental to wer das liest ist doof’s Season 31 run that saw them win Division 1. With great mechanics and a keen attitude, he has what it takes to make Premiership quake.

Fischkopf and aidelos are the only surviving members of the first iteration of the team and will also be able to guide their new teammates by forming a resilient combo unit. Fischkopf has been around for quite a while and sneakily became one of the regulars of the top level, with a continuous presence into Premiership and the levels below (High/Division 1) that started back in Season 23. aidelos is a bit greener on the side, and while his ability on the Scout class is not to be proven, this season will mark his debut as the Ullapool explosive expert. While it may seem daunting to start playing a new class at the highest level, his teammates surely have faith in him and he did not seem out of place so far.
voxtec offered a colourful and optimistic view of his new roster.
With some changes the new version of "wer das liest ist doof" is ready to stir up premiership. Personally, I am looking forward to playing a full season of prem, aswell as playing with the new additions to our roster, such as the ancient football and roamer god Rising, Gazy the machine and the upcoming med Lemonstardude.
Although we wont be able to scrim all week due to real life commitments, we hope to correct our mistakes as soon as possible and finish in the top 6. Our main goal, however, will be to improve, stay together as a team and maybe attend future lan events.
I wish the other teams good luck and some exciting games! :)
Speaking of starting out at the highest level, Gazy and LSD are the two newcomers to it. Gazy is a flank Scout that started to make a name for himself in the lower divisions, winning Division 2 and getting 2nd place In Division 1 with clarted in Seasons 31 and 32, before finishing 3rd with DEATH AND DESTRUCTION last season. LSD is the greenest of the bunch, having only a single season of Division 1 to his name. He’ll hopefully be able to make enemy bombers trip or else he might feel a bit acidic.
Hoping for a Schadenfreude-free season, wer das liest ist doof is :
- Scout: voxtec
- Scout: Gazy
- Roamer: Rising
- Pocket: Fischkopf
- Demoman: aidelos
- Medic: LSD