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15 Frags +
2MelonI see we have arrived at the "facts can be ignored if they imply negative things towards certain people" post


Along with what klassy and Reero posted :

1. it is more of the "some statistics might indeed see a high percentage of pedophiles being trans etc., but have you ever wondered why it might be harder for trans people to find stability in their sexual and social lives in your country compared to straight people in the first place ? and how are those stats even meaningful info towards taking action ? let's have a pedo file (get it ?) ready for people who are known as trans I guess ?"

2. do you know how statistics and data analytics work ? or even the difference between correlation and causality in that regard ? there's a reason data analysts try to test a large amount of potentially correlated variables before making quick conclusions : in this case, economical background, social history, education level, how people discovered sexuality, how they were treated by adults as kids, etc.

[quote=2Melon]I see we have arrived at the "facts can be ignored if they imply negative things towards certain people" post


Along with what klassy and Reero posted :

1. it is more of the "some statistics might indeed see a high percentage of pedophiles being trans etc., but have you ever wondered why it might be harder for trans people to find stability in their sexual and social lives in your country compared to straight people in the first place ? and how are those stats even meaningful info towards taking action ? let's have a pedo file (get it ?) ready for people who are known as trans I guess ?"

2. do you know how statistics and data analytics work ? or even the difference between correlation and causality in that regard ? there's a reason data analysts try to test a large amount of potentially correlated variables before making quick conclusions : in this case, economical background, social history, education level, how people discovered sexuality, how they were treated by adults as kids, etc.
3 Frags +

Thank you
twiikuu and eddie_calderon and plunk

Thank you
twiikuu and eddie_calderon and plunk
11 Frags +

Nursey's prolific position in tf2 is even more damaging, considering how many people look up to her.
Very sad for the community that someone in her position did this.

Nursey's prolific position in tf2 is even more damaging, considering how many people look up to her.
Very sad for the community that someone in her position did this.
84 Frags +

the water in na must be fucked up brro this is outta pocket

the water in na must be fucked up brro this is outta pocket
38 Frags +
FatPoptartDid nursey take down her Twitter or am I just dumb?


[quote=FatPoptart]Did nursey take down her Twitter or am I just dumb?[/quote]
-7 Frags +
edit: replacing screwb quote with a screenshot


Don't group me with these grooming degenerates. As i have stated before i have NEVER hit on anyone and have ZERO interest in doing so. I have NEVER solicited a minor and have NO interest in doing so. I can only assume you keep bringing this up because you have a personal grudge against me? Either way it's getting really fucking old.

FYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.


edit: replacing screwb quote with a screenshot


Don't group me with these grooming degenerates. As i have stated before i have [b]NEVER[/b] hit on anyone and have [b]ZERO[/b] interest in doing so. I have [b]NEVER[/b] solicited a minor and have [b]NO[/b] interest in doing so. I can only assume you keep bringing this up because you have a personal grudge against me? Either way it's getting really fucking old.[/quote]
FYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.
-8 Frags +
caaaaaaaaatthe water in na must be fucked up brro this is outta pocket

you're my shitpost hero cbc :D

[quote=caaaaaaaaat]the water in na must be fucked up brro this is outta pocket[/quote]
you're my shitpost hero cbc :D
23 Frags +
2Melonklassy2Melonwow i guess all the negative statistics are now invalidated because you posted one that shows how persecuted they are

you have nothing to counter them with so this is what you do
Please explain in your own words how you think what rky posted is in any way helpful to what's being discussed in this thread.
if you left it at saying that what he posted wasnt relevant to the thread then it would be fine, but you said "facts are clearly meant to strengthen a transphobic narrative" which is a really bad thing to use to dismiss legitimate talking points

I never questioned the legitimacy of what he posted even if I'm very sceptical to the purpose of a pastebin only containing negative statistics on a targeted minority group. And of course I'm justified in saying that that pastebin is serving a transphobic narrative when it's posted in a thread about a trans-person that has turned out to have a relationship with a minor. The only thing that post does is create more fear and ignorance about trans-people. Don't pretend it's raising awareness about problems transgender people are facing in our society today.

[quote=2Melon][quote=klassy][quote=2Melon]wow i guess all the negative statistics are now invalidated because you posted one that shows how persecuted they are

you have nothing to counter them with so this is what you do[/quote] Please explain in your own words how you think what rky posted is in any way helpful to what's being discussed in this thread.[/quote]
if you left it at saying that what he posted wasnt relevant to the thread then it would be fine, but you said "facts are clearly meant to strengthen a transphobic narrative" which is a really bad thing to use to dismiss legitimate talking points[/quote] I never questioned the legitimacy of what he posted even if I'm very sceptical to the purpose of a pastebin only containing negative statistics on a targeted minority group. And of course I'm justified in saying that that pastebin is serving a transphobic narrative when it's posted in a thread about a trans-person that has turned out to have a relationship with a minor. The only thing that post does is create more fear and ignorance about trans-people. Don't pretend it's raising awareness about problems transgender people are facing in our society today.
74 Frags +

come on guys get back to bashing pedos stop bashing lgbts

come on guys get back to bashing pedos stop bashing lgbts
11 Frags +
2Melonnot sure how social stability has anything to do with pedophilia but ill let that one slide, and in the end all of this boils down to a conversation that nobody here wants to have about the legitimacy of the lifestyle choices based on childhood abuse and mental illness

ur kinda showing ur true colors with this one

[quote=2Melon]not sure how social stability has anything to do with pedophilia but ill let that one slide, and in the end all of this boils down to a conversation that nobody here wants to have about the legitimacy of the lifestyle choices based on childhood abuse and mental illness[/quote]
ur kinda showing ur true colors with this one
132 Frags +

As someone who was the victim of years of sexual abuse as a child let me just say nursey, because I know you are too self centered and egotistical to not be reading this thread that you have truly fucked the lives of the kids you did this too. When they realize the severity of the situation you put them in and how you took advantage of them it will effect their relationships and metal health for the rest of their lives. fuck you, you despicable piece of shit. a perma ban is literally too good for you, you deserve prison. If you get anything less than a perma ban I and hopefully many others will never fucking touch this league again. And don't think for a god damn second that you can try to pivot to a smash or overwatch career because i promise you that i will always be there to make it public information to any org that supports you that they are supporting a fucking pedophile. get bent you fucking degenerate

As someone who was the victim of years of sexual abuse as a child let me just say nursey, because I know you are too self centered and egotistical to not be reading this thread that you have truly fucked the lives of the kids you did this too. When they realize the severity of the situation you put them in and how you took advantage of them it will effect their relationships and metal health for the rest of their lives. fuck you, you despicable piece of shit. a perma ban is literally too good for you, you deserve prison. If you get anything less than a perma ban I and hopefully many others will never fucking touch this league again. And don't think for a god damn second that you can try to pivot to a smash or overwatch career because i promise you that i will always be there to make it public information to any org that supports you that they are supporting a fucking pedophile. get bent you fucking degenerate
-10 Frags +

like i said nobody wants to discuss this here and i would be fine with admins just deleting all the posts not relevant to this particular thread

like i said nobody wants to discuss this here and i would be fine with admins just deleting all the posts not relevant to this particular thread
15 Frags +

where is the justice?

where is the justice?
6 Frags +
2Melonlike i said nobody wants to discuss this here and i would be fine with admins just deleting all the posts not relevant to this particular thread

you kinda seem like you want to

[quote=2Melon]like i said nobody wants to discuss this here and i would be fine with admins just deleting all the posts not relevant to this particular thread[/quote]
you kinda seem like you want to
29 Frags +
figsyFYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.

Point out what actions i have undertaken that "contribute to children being trafficked and abused". Are you going to point to the fact that i enjoy some weird hentia? By that logic violent video games cause mass shootings. Want to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?

FYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.[/quote]
Point out what actions i have undertaken that "contribute to children being trafficked and abused". Are you going to point to the fact that i enjoy some weird hentia? By that logic violent video games cause mass shootings. Want to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?
23 Frags +
CBTfigsyFYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.Point out what actions i have undertaken that "contribute to children being trafficked and abused". Are you going to point to the fact that i enjoy some weird hentia? By that logic violent video games cause mass shootings. Want to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?

yes i really do

FYI you "non-offending" pedos are still apart of the demand for child porn. Don't excuse yourself as part of the problem when your actions still contribute to children being trafficked and abused.[/quote]
Point out what actions i have undertaken that "contribute to children being trafficked and abused". Are you going to point to the fact that i enjoy some weird hentia? By that logic violent video games cause mass shootings. Want to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?[/quote]
yes i really do
37 Frags +

the 'facts' in that pastebin directly contradict each other mathematically

if we assume that trans ppl as a whole have 4x higher rate of HIV than general population like it states, but mtf trans people have 50x higher rate of HIV, that means that even if literally 0 ftm trans ppl have HIV that there must be more than 10 times as many ftm as mtf trans people (not true)

basically its BULLSHIT

the 'facts' in that pastebin directly contradict each other mathematically

if we assume that trans ppl as a whole have 4x higher rate of HIV than general population like it states, but mtf trans people have 50x higher rate of HIV, that means that even if literally 0 ftm trans ppl have HIV that there must be more than 10 times as many ftm as mtf trans people (not true)

basically its BULLSHIT
61 Frags +
CBTWant to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?

F in the chat for yuice.

Want to start banning everyone in the TF2 community that has Nekopara?[/quote]
F in the chat for yuice.
5 Frags +




55 Frags +

i went to sleep and when i woke up this thread grew 8 pages, but ive now spent the last 40 minutes reading through everything and can conclusively say ban pedos

i went to sleep and when i woke up this thread grew 8 pages, but ive now spent the last 40 minutes reading through everything and can conclusively say ban pedos
58 Frags +

screwB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with you

screwB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with you
-4 Frags +

oh god my eyes, i see it with my eyes

oh god my eyes, i see it with my eyes
32 Frags +

Anyone else just waiting for the ban?

Anyone else just waiting for the ban?
20 Frags +
VirgilscrewB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with you

That isn't what i said. In fact i am certain that i have said REPEATEDLY that i have no interest whatsoever in IRL anything. People who go after children are irredeemable degenerates and should be permanently placed in prison or a mental hospital.

[quote=Virgil]screwB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with you[/quote]
That isn't what i said. In fact i am certain that i have said REPEATEDLY that i have no interest whatsoever in IRL anything. People who go after children are irredeemable degenerates and should be permanently placed in prison or a mental hospital.
27 Frags +
CBTVirgilscrewB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with youThat isn't what i said. In fact i am certain that i have said REPEATEDLY that i have no interest whatsoever in IRL anything. People who go after children are irredeemable degenerates and should be permanently placed in prison or a mental hospital.

then why are you posting articles that inherently normalize attraction to 14 year olds in a thread that is concerned about the exploitation of minors? i believe you that you haven't groomed any kids or anything, i'm not trying to leverage those things against you, all i'm saying is that by actively defending the attraction to minors you normalize the behavior of actual abusers.

[quote=CBT][quote=Virgil]screwB brother i really don't think doubling down on the whole "yea it's cool to wanna fuck 11-14 year olds as a 28 year old man" is a good idea i'm gonna be real with you[/quote]
That isn't what i said. In fact i am certain that i have said REPEATEDLY that i have no interest whatsoever in IRL anything. People who go after children are irredeemable degenerates and should be permanently placed in prison or a mental hospital.[/quote]

then why are you posting articles that inherently normalize attraction to 14 year olds in a thread that is concerned about the exploitation of minors? i believe you that you haven't groomed any kids or anything, i'm not trying to leverage those things against you, all i'm saying is that by actively defending the attraction to minors you normalize the behavior of actual abusers.
28 Frags +

can we ban retro too while we're at it? I don't have anything saved but that guy def tried some weird sex stuff on me when i was underage.

can we ban retro too while we're at it? I don't have anything saved but that guy def tried some weird sex stuff on me when i was underage.
15 Frags +

I'm not exactly sure why I wasn't super surprised when this news about Nursey came out.
Maybe it's just that I'm less surprised that people who seem to have a lot of personal/mental stability issues do this kinda fucked up shit.
Regardless would be cool if this shit gets dealt with asap

I'm not exactly sure why I wasn't super surprised when this news about Nursey came out.
Maybe it's just that I'm less surprised that people who seem to have a lot of personal/mental stability issues do this kinda fucked up shit.
Regardless would be cool if this shit gets dealt with asap
113 Frags +

I hope BTS doesn't read TFTV today

I hope BTS doesn't read TFTV today
121 Frags +

it's time


it's time
0 Frags +

Rofl btw

Rofl btw
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