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Hello everyone
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Hopefully this isn't against the rules or something. Anyways, I never was really interested in competitive TF2 but after hearing about the TF2 summit going on I decided to check it out and hopefully have some fun conversations here :) If one of you guys could let me know about another place to talk like a Discord server then that would be very appreciated btw.

Hopefully this isn't against the rules or something. Anyways, I never was really interested in competitive TF2 but after hearing about the TF2 summit going on I decided to check it out and hopefully have some fun conversations here :) If one of you guys could let me know about another place to talk like a Discord server then that would be very appreciated btw.
-75 Frags +

join b4nny discord and make suret o sub to him he will demo review youre demo and you will Win .

join b4nny discord and make suret o sub to him he will demo review youre demo and you will Win .
17 Frags +

Best place to go to are probably streams https://www.teamfortress.tv/streams

tftv discord https://discordapp.com/invite/0if53iRT2W4nyL6t

asia fortress site https://asiafortress.com/ but this seems pretty inactive and i couldnt find a discord server link.

Best place to go to are probably streams https://www.teamfortress.tv/streams

tftv discord https://discordapp.com/invite/0if53iRT2W4nyL6t

asia fortress site https://asiafortress.com/ but this seems pretty inactive and i couldnt find a discord server link.
12 Frags +

welcome to the family

welcome to the family
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Talk TO ME please I am So lonely

Talk TO ME please I am So lonely
11 Frags +
HeadHonchkrowHopefully this isn't against the rules or something. Anyways, I never was really interested in competitive TF2 but after hearing about the TF2 summit going on I decided to check it out and hopefully have some fun conversations here :) If one of you guys could let me know about another place to talk like a Discord server then that would be very appreciated btw.

no worries, posting a friendly hello thread isn't against any sort of forum rules, welcome to the home of competitive TF2 :)

If you are looking for the forum rules just to briefly view our community guidelines they can be found on this page.

If you're looking for some competitive TF2 to look into, the main North American league, RGL, is currently moving into playoffs, and the main European league, ETF2L, is right in the midst of their season. A lot of the teams you'll see at Beyond The Summit are currently competing in one of these two leagues, so I highly recommend tuning into RGL or Teamfortresstv's live coverage to get a glimpse of what pro play is like, as well as start looking for a team to cheer for. There is also an Asian team that's been confirmed for BTS (see this thread), however I'm not up to date with the SEA scene and not sure what the league seasons are looking like for that region.

[quote=HeadHonchkrow]Hopefully this isn't against the rules or something. Anyways, I never was really interested in competitive TF2 but after hearing about the TF2 summit going on I decided to check it out and hopefully have some fun conversations here :) If one of you guys could let me know about another place to talk like a Discord server then that would be very appreciated btw.[/quote]
no worries, posting a friendly hello thread isn't against any sort of forum rules, welcome to the home of competitive TF2 :)

If you are looking for the forum rules just to briefly view our community guidelines [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/s/rules]they can be found on this page.[/url]

If you're looking for some competitive TF2 to look into, the main North American league, RGL, is currently moving into playoffs, and the main European league, ETF2L, is right in the midst of their season. A lot of the teams you'll see at Beyond The Summit are currently competing in one of these two leagues, so I highly recommend tuning into [url=https://www.twitch.tv/RGLgg]RGL[/url] or [url=https://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv]Teamfortresstv's[/url] live coverage to get a glimpse of what pro play is like, as well as start looking for a team to cheer for. There is also an Asian team that's been confirmed for BTS [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/53961/xiao-from-asia-is-coming-to-bts](see this thread)[/url], however I'm not up to date with the SEA scene and not sure what the league seasons are looking like for that region.
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plums are pretty great

plums are pretty great
16 Frags +

avoid weebs

avoid weebs
6 Frags +
coyo_geezerasia fortress site https://asiafortress.com/ but this seems pretty inactive and i couldnt find a discord server link.

The asiafortress discord is here https://discord.gg/avvRkr2

asia fortress site https://asiafortress.com/ but this seems pretty inactive and i couldnt find a discord server link.[/quote]
The asiafortress discord is here https://discord.gg/avvRkr2
5 Frags +

hey and welcome to team fortress 2!

The PURE League in Asia is currently on, you'll find places to practice and meet people there: https://discord.gg/JbrBjKz

hey and welcome to team fortress 2!

The PURE League in Asia is currently on, you'll find places to practice and meet people there: https://discord.gg/JbrBjKz
12 Frags +

Thanks for all the help guys :)

Thanks for all the help guys :)
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