Hi, everyone
I wanted to what's a good schedule for balancing my practice
i was just wondering if anyone knows a good way i can balance the three
My current schedule:
MGE > DM> Lobbies
Hi, everyone
I wanted to what's a good schedule for balancing my practice
i was just wondering if anyone knows a good way i can balance the three
My current schedule:
MGE > DM> Lobbies
play mge on 5 different alts, switch account every 30 minutes
Schedule is completely useless if you're not focused on improving a specific part of your game everytime you play.
ur schedule should be
1 hit the demos
2 hit the demos
3 hit the demos
this doesnt make any sense, you wanna get better? put yourself in more difficult fights / situations
find friends who are better then you and do 1 v 3 (you vs a combo and (insert player here) or 1 v combo
death match is ok but it doesnt punish you, you get health everytime you kill someone, its not realistic.
if you can beat the numbers stacked against you find better players and make friends with them and continue to do the same.