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about to get this fucking bag
posted in The Dumpster
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yes let's bully the autistic child pogchamp

yes let's bully the autistic child pogchamp
-12 Frags +
hooliyes let's bully the autistic child pogchamp

not seeing where i said anything mean

[quote=hooli]yes let's bully the autistic child pogchamp[/quote] not seeing where i said anything mean
9 Frags +

who you playing my dude

who you playing my dude
-5 Frags +
hooliwho you playing my dude

anytime you say anything about cre-8 its automatically considered bullying forgive my transgressions i will off myself with a blunt object as per tftv guidelines

[quote=hooli]who you playing my dude[/quote] anytime you say anything about cre-8 its automatically considered bullying forgive my transgressions i will off myself with a blunt object as per tftv guidelines
25 Frags +

anyone with 2 braincells and understands tftv context sees what you're doing. if if was anyone other than cre8 this thread would not exist. shut the fuck up.

anyone with 2 braincells and understands tftv context sees what you're doing. if if was anyone other than cre8 this thread would not exist. shut the fuck up.
-6 Frags +
hoolianyone with 2 braincells and understands tftv context sees what you're doing. if if was anyone other than cre8 this thread would not exist. shut the fuck up.

it is off limits to laugh when cre8 does funny stuff violators will be subjected to a barrage if insults from angry shut ins

[quote=hooli]anyone with 2 braincells and understands tftv context sees what you're doing. if if was anyone other than cre8 this thread would not exist. shut the fuck up.[/quote]
it is off limits to laugh when cre8 does funny stuff violators will be subjected to a barrage if insults from angry shut ins
10 Frags +

ya its rly funny to ask people to play on a csgo team hahahahahahah

ya its rly funny to ask people to play on a csgo team hahahahahahah
9 Frags +

this is a strange hill to die on; you could've just admit you were wrong with grace. whatever dude.

this is a strange hill to die on; you could've just admit you were wrong with grace. whatever dude.
-2 Frags +

cre8 is a gamer and I love him

cre8 is a gamer and I love him
6 Frags +

ur last post on this website was saying "broking" in a thread about cre8 lol

ur last post on this website was saying "broking" in a thread about cre8 lol
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