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Alexandros LFT
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Whoa... this guy, let me tell you about this guy. I come home from a long hard day at work, and what do i find? 37 missed calls from my mother. I call her back, I say "mom, what is the emergency" and instead of my mother i hear alexandros' voice, and he says "i'm your dad now, air" so i go "wtf" and i drive to her house, she lives in georgia so it was long drive. by time i get there, i see alexandros' car outside her house and im fuming. i go to open the door but before i get there he opens the door wearing nothing but a bath robe that is too short, his dick is hanging out below past his knees. i go to kick him in the dick, and when i do it whirls around his body like a tetherball and smacks me in the face. his dick smelled like gasoline. he picked me up off the ground and says "easy there bucko, its time for school" so i get on the bus and head to school to tell everyone about my cool new dad.

Whoa... this guy, let me tell you about this guy. I come home from a long hard day at work, and what do i find? 37 missed calls from my mother. I call her back, I say "mom, what is the emergency" and instead of my mother i hear alexandros' voice, and he says "i'm your dad now, air" so i go "wtf" and i drive to her house, she lives in georgia so it was long drive. by time i get there, i see alexandros' car outside her house and im fuming. i go to open the door but before i get there he opens the door wearing nothing but a bath robe that is too short, his dick is hanging out below past his knees. i go to kick him in the dick, and when i do it whirls around his body like a tetherball and smacks me in the face. his dick smelled like gasoline. he picked me up off the ground and says "easy there bucko, its time for school" so i get on the bus and head to school to tell everyone about my cool new dad.
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End of season bumperino

End of season bumperino
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carried his team this season

carried his team this season
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bwelpcarried his team this season
[quote=bwelp]carried his team this season[/quote]
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this man is not a pillow, do not sleep on him.

this man is not a pillow, do not sleep on him.
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umlpstbwelpcarried his team this season
[quote=umlpst][quote=bwelp]carried his team this season[/quote][/quote]
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very good roamer, he actually did carry in a lot of matches this season
good attitude as well

very good roamer, he actually did carry in a lot of matches this season
good attitude as well
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strong gamer, can deadlift team

strong gamer, can deadlift team
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cool guy really good soldier

cool guy really good soldier
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excellent gamer

excellent gamer
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We asked Alexandros what he’s looking forward to most for this season:

The team emoing out and dying halfway through.


[quote]We asked Alexandros what he’s looking forward to most for this season:

The team emoing out and dying halfway through.[/quote]

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I guess you meant halfway through the offseason

I guess you meant halfway through the offseason
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o well

alex is actually a lot a lot a lot better than he was like 2 seasons ago, if u need a last second soldier this is probably ur guy (if it’s not me lol) ((he has better attendance..))
but ya he’s a v solid player and easy to work with, was always receptive to critiques and was always giving valuable insight to me at least about my own play, genuinely kinda bummed were not getting 7th in invite together :\\

o well

alex is actually a lot a lot a lot better than he was like 2 seasons ago, if u need a last second soldier this is probably ur guy (if it’s not me lol) ((he has better attendance..))
but ya he’s a v solid player and easy to work with, was always receptive to critiques and was always giving valuable insight to me at least about my own play, genuinely kinda bummed were not getting 7th in invite together :\\
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can't recommend him more


can't recommend him more
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Alexandros is an 11/10 teammate. Funny outside of the game, fun to play with. Please give him a good home, he deserves one.

Alexandros is an 11/10 teammate. Funny outside of the game, fun to play with. Please give him a good home, he deserves one.
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awesome dude and very good soldier

awesome dude and very good soldier
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productive degenerate alexschnozdros

productive degenerate alexschnozdros
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did p well this past season and a friendly dude as well

did p well this past season and a friendly dude as well
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dude please learn to crouch while rjing
and never unequip the pants they are your signature

dude please learn to crouch while rjing
and never unequip the pants they are your signature
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scout mains telling soldiers to crouch in the air so they can do more knockback, smh. Don't listed to this propaganda just so you look "cool". Also alexandros is awesome and you should pick him up

scout mains telling soldiers to crouch in the air so they can do more knockback, smh. Don't listed to this propaganda just so you look "cool". Also alexandros is awesome and you should pick him up
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bump, team dead

bump, team dead
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bump, looking for last minute tryouts

bump, looking for last minute tryouts
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Big homie big skill

Big homie big skill
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one of the most invite deserving players i know

one of the most invite deserving players i know
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claims to be french but is filthy ameritrash

pick him up despite his lying ways

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also good at the videogame ig
claims to be french but is filthy ameritrash

pick him up despite his lying ways

[spoiler]also good at the videogame ig[/spoiler]
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