irk2cis there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?
I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits
any workarounds?
alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"
maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo
i tried
//autoattack toggle
unbind "["
alias toggleautoattack "autoattack1"
alias autoattack1 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1; echo autoattack on; alias toggleautoattack autoattack2"
alias autoattack2 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0; echo autoattack off; alias toggleautoattack autoattack1"
alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1"
alias -toggleautoattack "toggleautoattack; developer 0"
bind "[" "+toggleautoattack"
if i put the toggle on the line with developer 1 it doesnt output anything, if I have it on the line with dev 0 it doesnt output anything on first press (and is always 'behind' one input)