harbleuRuwingrapeLuck can win a team a round on gpit much more easily than it can on a cp or koth map, and matches being best of three only makes it worse.
Not to nitpick or anything but what place does luck play in this game exactly?
I understand that one misstep can make or break the round but I just don't see how 'luck' is involved.
There is no luck in your team fucking up. If the enemy teams sniper is able to push out long and snipe your medic while you're defending B then you fucked up. There is no luck about it. Gpit is great, it rewards teams that are coordinated and players for playing their roles properly. Teams with worse DM can end up winning if they are more coordinated or have better strats then their opponenets. Please stop blaming your losses on luck.
There is luck involved or at the very least there is "artificial difficulty." The luck factor here is that you have no means of knowing what the opposing team is running outside of the incredibly likely roamer/demo bomb and beyond that you're pretty much guessing. The other two classes can be a second soldier, sniper(s), spy(ies), late heavy and any combination of that you can think of. What it comes down to is that you have to defend the roamer/demo bomb which is more than capable of putting out 150 damage through sentry fire onto your medic either killing him or forcing him to pop. If you do make your way through the shrine of the silver monkey, you still have literally 0 idea what else you are dealing with since any sort of wacky pick class shenanigan can happen. Did they run a spy out of short? Did he go long? Did a sniper come out when we were dealing with the bomb? If a sniper peeks out of short it's not exactly wise to be on the roof, so what happens if they peek a sniper out quick and gets your roof soldier, pretty much guaranteeing that their bomb is going to succeed?
It isn't exactly possible to account and counter for all these occurrences unless you have information that is not accessible to you. So while it may not strictly be a true rng "luck" scenario you are still operating on a guess that can not be more than that. So if it is not qualified as "luck" it is certainly artificial difficulty.