PAPASTAINDo you just scream and shout slurs at everyone you talk to, or
Thank god you children weren't around for gotfrag. I don't exactly feel it necessary to write an elaborate and educated response to people I don't recognize from 6s because 99% of the time they are ugc trash that crawled out of lobbies. How many of you actually played when pyros could not airblast? Or were at all good enough at the game then to understand the implications of it being added?
RawrSpoonYou're really just yelling mindlessly and superciliously. For one, the idea that we don't understand yomi because we don't play fighting games is ludicrous and, quite frankly, misguided. It's not exclusive to fighting games, and applies to any game that has first order optimal move, a counter to that move, a counter to that counter, and a counter to that. All four are present, which enables yomi to be present. It's predicting your opponent's move, and acting accordingly. It's that simple. Unless you'd like to elaborate on how this isn't yomi, in which case I'm all ears and looking forward to your infinite wisdom.
Because you're trying to use it to sound important and like you are the Sun-tzu of game balance when you're far from it. There's no yomi here because it is well within the possibility to react to rocket fire and the airblast hitbox size and duration make it more spammable than any "yomi" maneuver you could possibly be referencing. You're not reading an FADC backdash and doing a dash forward SPD here.
RawrspoonI don't know if you've played HL in the past, or even played pyro really, but pyro is extremely helpless if he doesn't have the support of his team and the enemy isn't in range. Generally, for me to be able to take on most classes in a 1v1 I have to bait them to follow me and surprise them. I'd also like to note that I love how you make the implication that the flare gun is overpowered due to crits. Flare gun is a 100% sidegrade to shotgun, at the expense of some versatility you get midrange+ damage. If you've been airblasted and are on fire, the pyro's choice of secondary generally isn't going to make a difference in the outcome of the battle. I really don't understand why it's difficult to believe that pyro is easily dealt with, there's a reason he isn't run almost at all in 6s. Is it the easiest DM? Probably only second to heavy, but DM isn't what makes pyro difficult to play in competitive modes.
Oh boo hoo the enemy isn't in range, you're still playing an objective based game you know that? As far as "range" goes as well, the only classes in this game that can really function at "long" range are sniper and demoman since rockets are so slow and every other class lacks the ability to do significant damage past 600 units or so unless it's an ambassador headshot or some other specific condition. You can't be very good at highlander if your primary concerns about the pyro are "I have to bait people on the flank to get garbage frags" when the class pretty much solely controls elevated areas with the brainless strength of the airblast. Flaregun full crits /do/ matter because it's 90 damage at every range so long as you're on fire and sure if you're airblasted it doesn't particularly matter, but this is /probably/ due to the fact that the airblast completely immobilizes (read as: you don't have to aim ever) all but one class and even then they have one double jump which 90% of the time will not get them out of airblast range again.
RawrspoonCan you please make proper arguments rather than overly vague, reactionary comments with little thought put into it? You aren't really saying anything that adds to the discussion.
Merry christmas, I look forward to your David Sirlin-esque essay about how the degreaser meta-game is simply a manifestation of "playing to win" and soldiers simply have to deal with mini-crit reflects.