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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2013 at 12:48 PM
Posts 1565 (0.3 per day)
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#153 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
PAPASTAINDo you just scream and shout slurs at everyone you talk to, or

Thank god you children weren't around for gotfrag. I don't exactly feel it necessary to write an elaborate and educated response to people I don't recognize from 6s because 99% of the time they are ugc trash that crawled out of lobbies. How many of you actually played when pyros could not airblast? Or were at all good enough at the game then to understand the implications of it being added?

RawrSpoonYou're really just yelling mindlessly and superciliously. For one, the idea that we don't understand yomi because we don't play fighting games is ludicrous and, quite frankly, misguided. It's not exclusive to fighting games, and applies to any game that has first order optimal move, a counter to that move, a counter to that counter, and a counter to that. All four are present, which enables yomi to be present. It's predicting your opponent's move, and acting accordingly. It's that simple. Unless you'd like to elaborate on how this isn't yomi, in which case I'm all ears and looking forward to your infinite wisdom.

Because you're trying to use it to sound important and like you are the Sun-tzu of game balance when you're far from it. There's no yomi here because it is well within the possibility to react to rocket fire and the airblast hitbox size and duration make it more spammable than any "yomi" maneuver you could possibly be referencing. You're not reading an FADC backdash and doing a dash forward SPD here.

RawrspoonI don't know if you've played HL in the past, or even played pyro really, but pyro is extremely helpless if he doesn't have the support of his team and the enemy isn't in range. Generally, for me to be able to take on most classes in a 1v1 I have to bait them to follow me and surprise them. I'd also like to note that I love how you make the implication that the flare gun is overpowered due to crits. Flare gun is a 100% sidegrade to shotgun, at the expense of some versatility you get midrange+ damage. If you've been airblasted and are on fire, the pyro's choice of secondary generally isn't going to make a difference in the outcome of the battle. I really don't understand why it's difficult to believe that pyro is easily dealt with, there's a reason he isn't run almost at all in 6s. Is it the easiest DM? Probably only second to heavy, but DM isn't what makes pyro difficult to play in competitive modes.

Oh boo hoo the enemy isn't in range, you're still playing an objective based game you know that? As far as "range" goes as well, the only classes in this game that can really function at "long" range are sniper and demoman since rockets are so slow and every other class lacks the ability to do significant damage past 600 units or so unless it's an ambassador headshot or some other specific condition. You can't be very good at highlander if your primary concerns about the pyro are "I have to bait people on the flank to get garbage frags" when the class pretty much solely controls elevated areas with the brainless strength of the airblast. Flaregun full crits /do/ matter because it's 90 damage at every range so long as you're on fire and sure if you're airblasted it doesn't particularly matter, but this is /probably/ due to the fact that the airblast completely immobilizes (read as: you don't have to aim ever) all but one class and even then they have one double jump which 90% of the time will not get them out of airblast range again.

RawrspoonCan you please make proper arguments rather than overly vague, reactionary comments with little thought put into it? You aren't really saying anything that adds to the discussion.

Merry christmas, I look forward to your David Sirlin-esque essay about how the degreaser meta-game is simply a manifestation of "playing to win" and soldiers simply have to deal with mini-crit reflects.

posted about 11 years ago
#147 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

Can you faggots stop using the term yomi, none of you play fighting games at a decent level.

I don't know how it became FACT in the highlander community that pyro is "the worst 1v1" class in the game when the exact opposite is true. This stuff about "Getting into a pyro's" range and having to "properly" punish people for it is bullshit. The flamethrower and airblast's range is and has been ridiculous for quite a long time and because of FULL CRITS ON FLARES the pyro is pretty much guaranteed a kill on anyone it can set on fire and airblast. Keep in mind that setting someone on fire and airblasting them isn't particularly difficult given that sections of maps will cordon off in such a way that a pyro is pretty much within airblast range if you happen to be in the same zip code as him.

As it currently stands pyro has the most brainless 1v1 ability, the most brainless uber defense ability, and the highest skill floor because the class is now designed to manufacture crits at every turn even when "pyro mains" accept that shit like mini-crit reflects is completely unnecessary for the class. The mechanic was fine when the airblast cooldown was higher because it forced the pyro to back-up if he wanted to reflect every rocket as opposed to the current state of "He can walk forward into you and if he gets a reflect you die, and you have no air mobility when being pushed, and he's now easily within ignition range, and he can kill you faster than you can shotgun him"

And seriously "CQC range" sounds retarded and is retarded because that CQ stands for "close quarters" and if you've ever looked at a pyros range from an aerial view it defies "close" pretty handedly.

edited for clarification

posted about 11 years ago
#53 First Job in Off Topic

Reffing around here was pretty good to me since I could actually do multiple consecutive games and it was 10-12 cash in hand for side-lining or $18 for reffing typically.

Other than that lifeguard is pretty sweet because it's easy as hell to get a decent schedule and a large portion of work is sitting in the office reading. Unfortunately it can be mentally tortuous due to the boring nature of it and how fucking incredibly stupid some people can be.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 naming a weapon hue in Off Topic

I fucking go to sleep and wake-up and there's like 5 shit threads in forum activity what is happening to this place

Name it "low/midiot"

posted about 11 years ago
#20 is clockwork has stream? in TF2 General Discussion



Unfuckingbelievable, someone please return these people to their hug box

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Yet another music thread. (Recent songs only) in Off Topic

Twiabp - Whenever, if ever

A+ emo album


posted about 11 years ago
#30 the most painful thing to watch in Off Topic

is this an awake nightmare

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Respawn Ent.'s game leaked, runs on Source* in Off Topic
TheJatshkirbyTheJatshmaybe it's gonna be a good game and all but does this really belong on a website calle TEAMFORTRESS.tv?
Let me ask you a question. This is teamfortress.tv as you said, correct. There's a general discussion and an off topic section. If the general discussion section is meant for discussing TF2 in its entirety, then what would off topic be for?

pls respond
sorry didn't know there was an off topic sectionI#m pretty new here. However i still think it's weird to post it on this webside :/

Have you tried flipping it over to the other side?

posted about 11 years ago
#97 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
StewMetagames evolve in extremely odd and unpredictable ways. Stuff like Duc's Spiral team being such a dominant force in the MVC2 world for a long time, but becoming gradually weaker in favor of Storm/Sentinel teams as the games life goes on are completely unpredictable. To think that during the first few years, Iceman was the best character in the game, and now he's not used at all in the high levels of play. You can't account for what will happen, you can only prepare yourself. So start practicing some vaccinator strategies, cause change will come and you will need to prepare for it.

You brought up MvC2 as an argument for meta-game development and balance, I am now certain that you are talking out of your ass.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Super Smash Brothers 4 trailer to be shown at E3 in Off Topic

I'm looking forward to another e3 hype thread, last years usher and farcry 3 performances were fantastic.


and who could forget


posted about 11 years ago
#71 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

Can we also address reflected projectiles mini-critting, is that doable?

I think just reflecting projectiles is strength enough, no need to make them mini-crit

posted about 11 years ago
#69 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
Stew2sy_morphiend Suddenly throwing that out and /forcing/ people to use unlocks is not good for competition at any level.
Could we please leave opinions like this out of our discussions, cause it's obvious that nobody has done the experimentation over a long period of time necessary to prove that in the long run banning such things is unhealthy for the metagame. Please refrain from such obscene speculation.

Okay sure, other team can force you to use an unlock that you probably have never put serious practice in with or may not even have in your inventory, this is great for competition. By the way, for all the years of us talking about valve allowing people to use all unlocks when in mp_tournament mode for the sake of balance, there has been literally 0 pay-off so your certainty that an item rental system would be implemented is more along the lines of "Obscene speculation"

"Obscene speculation" my ass

posted about 11 years ago
#57 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
Sumtingwong2sy_morphiendSumtingwongOne simple solution to make more of these items feasible would simply be to allow banning stock weapons in the pick/ban system. Each class has many viable alternatives to the stock items, and they would all see a lot more use if they were allowed. Otherwise, simply buffing these alternatives would provide some incentive at the least to say, "Oh i'll use the Scottish Resistance today instead of the stock sticky launcher.
Banning stock items seems like a horrible idea, as you could literally ban every classes options on a slot then. What exactly would stop someone from banning medi-gun/kritz/vaccinator/quick fix and depriving the other team of a functioning medic?

Their team would also lose the option of having a medic with any healing guns as well. In addition, people are experimenting with set number of bans per class. It all depends on the combination of items. The biggest problem right now honestly though is that stock weapons in most cases tend to be great if not the best option anyways. So if buffing other items is not a possibility, then perhaps allowing people to ban stock will encourage the use of other items.

Still an awful idea, even in games that allow people to ban things it is never possible to just ban an entire option. I hate bringing up DotA examples because 99% of people who bring them up are clueless about actual balance, but if you could ban every carry in the hero pool then the entire draft phase would be wildly different. Allowing players to always have a stock option is fine because it has formed the back-bone of class balance for literally 5 and a half years. Suddenly throwing that out and /forcing/ people to use unlocks is not good for competition at any level.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
SumtingwongOne simple solution to make more of these items feasible would simply be to allow banning stock weapons in the pick/ban system. Each class has many viable alternatives to the stock items, and they would all see a lot more use if they were allowed. Otherwise, simply buffing these alternatives would provide some incentive at the least to say, "Oh i'll use the Scottish Resistance today instead of the stock sticky launcher.

Banning stock items seems like a horrible idea, as you could literally ban every classes options on a slot then. What exactly would stop someone from banning medi-gun/kritz/vaccinator/quick fix and depriving the other team of a functioning medic?

posted about 11 years ago
#52 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
SalamancerJust to be clear on jarate, there are a couple of ways of clearing it faster. Heal beams reduce its duration, and submerging in water eliminates it.

Picking up kits to remove it and lowering the duration would also help, as it currently stands there's water you can submerge yourself in on so few maps that it isn't a reliable nerf at all.

Edit: should also add that the ridiculously large radius on the explosion makes it actually difficult to miss with and despite healing reducing the duration it isn't feasible for a single medic to be able to quickly remove jarate from 3 players. Similar to mad milk the effect is so crippling on a pushing team that they are forced to back-up which means that they essentially are limited to a 10 second push window which is easily made up for by team-mates until jarate cools down again. Gives sniper way too much control over pushing teams for little difficulty and no downside.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ⋅⋅ 102