I remember playing on the TF2PublicFerret server back in 2014 where a guy named Ferret would spec the pub game and basically cast whatever he saw with alltalk on, super laidback, basically felt like a budget cast where you can hear the caster as you're playing. The regulars were also super chill and fun to play against, it had a solid map rotation with some custom maps here and there and whenever something whacky happened, you'd know
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198072250111 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:111984383] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:55992191 |
Country | Belgium |
Signed Up | September 18, 2016 |
Last Posted | February 18, 2025 at 1:44 PM |
Posts | 128 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 2.90 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
240hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro Wireless |
Keyboard | Wooting One |
Mousepad | SteelSeries QcK XL |
Headphones | Audio Technica ATH-M50X |
Monitor | LG 27GK750F |
This vpk file should remove all screams. Works fine for me.
I did find one ages ago in a set of vpk's that supposedly removes basically every sound but I didn't try it out, so idk if it works in the way you described. Maybe worth trying out: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i0xkl9nw4yvjc6j6e11qc/onlyhitsound.vpk?rlkey=whz78hj5vi9xinvxce0gin8vw&st=e7xdr41z&dl=0
Is there a way to change the color of the damage indicator (the red markers around you that indicates where damage is coming from)? I have a "damageindicator.vtf" in my materials/vgui folder that is colored white, but it only seems to work on a few community servers.
the actual hud inside the awful stream overlay
looks like a bx-hud edit
for anyone looking to check the history, these are the 3 (?) rifles according to bp.tf
https://backpack.tf/item/12436196709 - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198444036574/inventory/#440_2_13707033502
https://backpack.tf/item/6493768041 - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059782462/inventory/#440_2_13656274257
https://backpack.tf/item/4994779797 - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198299045013/inventory/#440_2_4994779797
I have an issue where my game will crash to desktop if I join someone's in-game party but it only seems to happen on some HUDs. It either happens when they accept my join request or they send me one and I accept. Any idea what could be causing this?
Admins (kaylus in particular) have handed out bans/been wanting to hand out bans for dumber reasons in the past. Found this old pastebin of Hugo arguing with kaylus because he wanted to ban my entire team for not trying their absolute hardest in a game of highlander (lol) when there are numerous examples of teams taking the piss against other teams not being punished whatsoever
Hard to take most non anti-cheat related bans seriously when people like Middle get banned for killbinding mid offi as a joke. Not sure what goes on in the heads of league admins sometimes (AC admins doing god's work though)
I'll share what I have:
I've tried to compile a spreadsheet of logs with ETF2L prem matches I have the logs for. It should also contain logs for ozfortress and some RGL 6s seasons. I think I set it to public correctly but if not give me a heads up :)
Few notes:
- these are only up to 2021-ish, I gave up on the project I was using these for a long time ago
- no playoffs logs are included since I was using these in a project that would compare only stats for the regular season
- while I'm fairly confident the ETF2L ones are correct because of every match having a list of people who played in that match (due to uploaded status screenshots), I can't vouch for the accuracy of the RGL ones at all. There was no easy way for me to get these painlessly so there might be a few scrim logs in here I'm afraid.
- the ozfortress ones I did manually, the aussies were nice enough to post their logs on the match pages almost every single time :)
- with a few exceptions none of these are combined logs
idk what kind of target you're looking to train if you are planning to use these for machine learning, if you need something added I can check if I can add it to my db query
That SaveTF2 hashtag sure did a lot, Thank You Reddit
Most modern games have charge percentages for ults etc available at a glance of their scoreboard, how would having this in TF2 for uber % dramatically impact gameplay outside of pugs and lobbies?
I feel like the main reason pay-to-play for European leagues would not work is because most people will not see any of this money come back their way and it will primarily be to fund prizepools for the top divisions and compensate community contributors. The amount of money would also have to depend on the country, due to income varying heavily across Europe. Would be a logistical nightmare. Either that or it would have to be such a low amount that it might as well not be worth the effort.
Also no shot anyone is (voluntarily) programming a payment system into the Wordpress mess that is ETF2L.
People who want to financially support ETF2L can easily do so by donating, there's been some fairly generous donations in the past.
From twitch.tv/adje to twitch.tv/sumirehh
ty :)